47.207-2 Duration of contract and time of performance.
The contracting officer shall-
(a) Establish a specific expiration date (month, day, and year) for the contract or state the length of time that the contract will remain in effect; e.g.,6 months commencing from the date of award; and
(b) Include the following items as appropriate:
(1) A statement of the time period during which the service is required when the service is a one-time job; e.g.,a routine office relocation.
(2) A time schedule for the performance of segments of a major job; e.g., an office relocation for which the work phases must be coordinated to meet other needs of the agency.
(3) Statements of performance times for particular services; e.g., pickup and delivery services. Specify-
(i) On which days of the week and during which hours of the day pickup and delivery services may be required;
(ii) The maximum time allowable to the contractor for accomplishing delivery under regular or priority service; and
(iii) How much advance notice the contractor will be given for regular pickup services and, if applicable, priority pickup services.