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Change Number: 2024-0626
Effective Date: 06/26/2024



5845.000 Scope of Part

(b)(5) Contracting Officers shall insert DITCO Additional Text, H8 Defense Information System Agency Incidental Property Management, in all service requirement solicitations and contracts when the place of performance is a DISA owned or leased location.


5845.101 Definitions

Transferred property. Tangible items shipped from one contractor’s location to a different contractor’s location for a follow-on contract without inspection.

Transitioned property. Direct-issued items such as laptops, cell phones, tablets which are not transferred. These items are transitioned by being turned over to a COR or property custodian on the last day of the contact for inspection, and any necessary provisioning/equipment refresh prior to being provided to a subsequent contractor.

5845.102 Policy

(S-90) Contract Specialists shall complete the Government-Furnished Property (GFP) Checklist/Quick Reference Guide located in the DARS PGI 5845.103 and review the GFP Questionnaire checklist located in the requirement checklist to develop the solicitation.

5845.105 Contractors Property Management System Compliance

(c) The Property Administrator (PA) shall review and evaluate the compliance of contractor’s property management systems IAW DFARS Clause 252.245-7003 when conducting Property Management System Analysis (PMSA).

(d)(1) The PA shall convey known deficiencies to the contractor and attempt to remedy deficiencies when at all possible. The PA shall approve contractors’ property management systems that are found to be in compliance with DFARS Clause 252.245-7003 and provide the contractor an approval determination stating there are no significant deficiencies. After exhausting all actions of remedy, if it is found that the contractor’s Property Management system is not in compliance with DFARS Clause 252.245-7003, the PA shall consult with the Contracting Officer.

(3) The Contracting Officer shall make a final determination and notify the contractor of a property management systems disapproval, including, if required, the revocation of the Government’s assumption of risk for loss of Government property and any other rights or remedies available to the Government.

5845.106 Transferring Accountability

All GFP from losing contracts must be returned by the contractor to the Government in the PIEE GFP Module prior to or on the last day of the contract. The COR shall verify the appropriate action has been taken as part of their closeout procedures.

Transitioned property is incorporated as a new GFP item in the gaining contract.


5845.201 Solicitation

(S-90) When GFP is anticipated, include enclosure 18b, GFP Attachment ( ) or the downloaded GFP attachment from the GFP module ( /), in all solicitations.

For letter solicitations, or any solicitation not using a standard 13-digit solicitation number, the GFP Attachment Excel document at 18b is the preferred format.

When the amount of GFP could vary in performance-based acquisitions or other similar acquisition types, the GFP Attachment Excel document may list a reasonable range for the quantity of GFP to be provided in the solicitation. This will allow the offeror to propose the exact number of GFP items within the listed range.

5845.202 Evaluation Procedures

(a) Contracting Officers shall insert DITCO Additional Text H9, Government Furnished Property Contract Management, in all contracts/orders that include GFP to establish a post award Property Management Plan and a Contractor Property Manager (CPM) Point of Contact (POC). The Property Administrator (or the COR in the absence of an appointed Property Administrator) shall review the contractor’s Property Management Plan IAW DITCO Additional Text H9 and notify the contractor of any deficiencies within 10 business days of receipt. A final Property Management Plan will be placed in the official contract file.

DARS Parts

DARS Appendix