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Part Number: 2915

Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation



Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

Source: 89 FR 66618, Aug. 16, 2024, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 2915.6—Unsolicited Proposals

2915.604 Agency points of contact.

2915.605 Content of unsolicited proposals.

Subpart 2915.6—Unsolicited Proposals

2915.604 Agency points of contact.

(a) The Director of Strategy and Administration (S&A) within the OSPE will be the point of contact for receipt of unsolicited proposals. This responsibility may be delegated by the Director of S&A. Only the cognizant contracting officer has the authority to bind the Government by accepting an unsolicited proposal.

(b) The OSPE Director of Strategy and Administration is responsible for handling unsolicited proposals to ensure that unsolicited proposals are controlled, evaluated, safeguarded, and disposed of in accordance with FAR subpart 15.6.

(c) The OSPE Director of Strategy and Administration may not consider an unsolicited proposal if the proposal resembles an upcoming solicitation or a procurement identified in the current annual acquisition plan.

2915.605 Content of unsolicited proposals.

In addition to the contents required by FAR 15.605, unsolicited proposals for research should contain a commitment by the offeror to include cost-sharing or should represent a significant cost savings to DOL.