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Part Number: 2901

Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation



2901.000 Scope of part.

This chapter may be referred to as the Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation or the DOLAR. This part sets forth introductory information about the DOLAR. This part explains the relationship of the DOLAR to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and explains the DOLAR's purpose, authority, applicability, exclusions, and issuance.

Subpart 2901.1—Purpose, Authority, Issuance

2901.101 Purpose.

(a) This chapter contains the DOLAR. The DOLAR is established within the FAR System, at title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

(b) The purpose of the DOLAR is to implement and supplement the FAR in accordance with FAR subpart 1.3 and authorities cited therein. The DOLAR is not by itself a complete document, as it must be used in conjunction with the FAR.

2901.103 Authority.

The DOLAR is issued pursuant to the authority of the Secretary of Labor under 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c). This authority has been delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management in accordance with FAR 1.301(d)(3).

2901.105 Issuance.

2901.105-1 Publication and code arrangement.

The DOLAR is published in the CFR, as chapter 29 of title 48.

2901.105-2 Arrangement of regulations.

(a) Where the DOLAR implements the FAR, the implementing part, subpart, section, or subsection of the DOLAR is numbered and captioned, to the extent feasible, the same as the FAR part, subpart, section, or subsection being implemented, except that the section or subsection being implemented is preceded with a “29” or a “290” such that there will always be four numbers to the left of the first decimal. For example, the DOLAR implementation of FAR 2.101 is 2902.101. The DOLAR may have gaps in its numbering scheme because a FAR rule may not require DOLAR implementation.

2901.105-3 Copies.

Copies of the DOLAR published in the Federal Register or the CFR may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Requests should reference the DOLAR as chapter 29 of title 48. The DOLAR is also available electronically at the Government Printing Office web page, The CFR is printed in paperback edition with updates as needed.

Subpart 2901.3—Agency Acquisition Regulations

2901.304 Agency control and compliance procedures.

The DOLAR is under the direct oversight of the Department of Labor's (DOL) Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) or designee.

Subpart 2901.4—Deviations From the FAR and DOLAR

2901.403 Individual deviations.

Individual deviations affect only one contract action. Except for individual deviations referenced in FAR 1.405(e), the SPE is authorized to approve individual deviations from FAR provisions (see FAR 1.403) or from DOLAR provisions.

2901.404 Class deviations.

(a) Class deviations affect more than one contract action. If DOL believes that it will require a class deviation on a permanent basis, it will propose a FAR revision per FAR 1.404.

(b) The SPE is authorized to approve and process class deviations from the FAR or the DOLAR, unless FAR 1.405(e) is applicable.

Subpart 2901.6—Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities

2901.602 Contracting officers.

2901.602-1 Authority.

Only DOL contracting officers have the authority to enter into, administer, or terminate contracts and to make related determinations and findings. DOL contracting officers may bind DOL to obligations under contracts only to the extent of the authority delegated to them.

2901.602-70 Contract clause.

Contracting officers shall insert clause 2952.201-70, Contracting Officer's Representative, in all solicitations and awards.

Subpart 2901.7—Determinations and Findings

2901.707 Signatory authority.

Except as shown in the applicable FAR or DOLAR, or where prohibited by statute, the authority to sign or delegate signatory authority for the various determinations and findings (D&Fs) resides with the SPE, or their designee.