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Change Number: DFARS Change 01/17/2025
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

237.7301 Definitions.

237.7301 Definitions.

As used in this subpart—

(a) “Institution of higher learning” means any public or private post-secondary school, junior college, college, university, or other degree granting educational institution that—

(1) Is located in the United States or its outlying areas;

(2) Has an accredited education program approved by an appropriate accrediting body; and

(3) Offers a program of study at any level beyond high school.

(b) “Nonprofit organization” means any organization described by Section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the U.S.C. which is exempt from taxation under Section 501(a) of Title 26.

(c) “Student” means an individual enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) at an institution of higher learning before the term of the student technical support contract. The individual shall remain in good standing in a curriculum designed to lead to the granting of a recognized degree, during the term of the contract.

(d) “Technical support” means any scientific or engineering work in support of the mission of the DoD laboratory involved. It does not include administrative or clerical services.


DFARS Appendix