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Change Number: DFARS PGI Change 01/17/2025
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

PGI 204.7108 Payment instructions.

PGI 204.7108 Payment instructions.

(a) Scope. This section applies to contracts and orders that are funded by multiple accounting classification reference number (ACRN) citations and—

(1) Include deliverable line items or deliverable subline items (see FAR 4.1005-1) that are funded by multiple ACRNs; or

(2) Authorize financing payments.

(b) For contracts and orders covered by this subpart—

(1) The contracting officer shall insert the table at paragraph (b)(2), or a link to the table at (b)(2) ( in Section G of the contract, or equivalent. When some, but not all, of the fixed-price line items in a contract are subject to contract financing payments, the contracting officer shall clearly identify to which line items the payment clause(s) included in Section I of the contract apply.

(2) The payment office shall allocate and record the amounts paid from the ACRNs in the contract using the table in this paragraph (b)(2) based on the type of payment request submitted (see DFARS 252.232-7006) and the type of effort identified by the Product Service Code for each deliverable line item or subline item (see FAR 4.1005-1).

For Government Use Only

Contract/Order Payment Clause

Type of Payment Request




Payment Office

Allocation Method

52.212-4 (Alt I), Contract Terms and Conditions—Commercial Products and Commercial Services;

52.216-7, Allowable Cost and Payment;

52.232-7, Payments Under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts

Cost Voucher




Line item specific proration. If there is more than one ACRN within a deliverable contract line item, the funds will be allocated in the same proportion as the amount of funding currently unliquidated for each ACRN on the line item billed.

52.232-1, Payments; 252.217-7007, Payments (vessel repair and alterations)

Navy Shipbuilding Invoice (Fixed Price)




Line item specific by fiscal year. If there is more than one ACRN within a deliverable line or deliverable subline item, the funds will be allocated using the oldest funds first. In the event of a deliverable line or deliverable subline item with two or more ACRNs with the same fiscal year, those amounts will be prorated to the available unliquidated funds for that year.

52.232-1, Payments;

52.232-2, Payments under Fixed-Price Research and Development Contracts;

52.232-3, Payments under Personal Services Contracts;

52.232-4, Payments under Transportation Contracts and Transportation-Related Services Contracts; and

52.232-6, Payments under Communication Service Contracts with Common Carriers





Line item specific proration. If there is more than one ACRN within a deliverable line item or deliverable subline item, the funds will be allocated in the same proportion as the amount of funding currently unliquidated for each ACRN on the deliverable line or deliverable subline item for which payment is requested.

52.232-5, Payments Under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts

Construction and Facilities Management Invoice




Line item specific by fiscal year. If there is more than one ACRN within a deliverable line or deliverable subline item, the funds will be allocated using the oldest funds first. In the event of a deliverable line or deliverable subline item with two or more ACRNs with the same fiscal year, those amounts will be prorated to the available unliquidated funds for that year.

52.232-16, Progress Payments (excluding contracts with multiple lot progress payments)

Progress Payment*




Contract-wide proration. Funds shall be allocated in the same proportion as the amount of funding currently unliquidated for each ACRN. Progress payments are considered contract level financing, and the “contract price” shall reflect the fixed-price portion of the contract per FAR 32.501-3.

52.232-16, Progress Payments

252.232-7018, Progress Payments- Multiple Lots

Progress Payment* X X N/A

Lot-wide proration (applies to lots specifically identified in the contract).

If there is more than one ACRN within a lot, the funds will be allocated in the same proportion as the amount of funding currently unliquidated for each ACRN on the lot for which payment is requested.

See paragraph (c) of this section for multiple lot CLIN structure.

52.232-29, Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial Products and Commercial Services;;

52.232-30, Installment Payments for Commercial Products and Commercial Services

Commercial Product and Commercial Service; Financing*




Specified in approved payment. The contracting officer shall specify the amount to be paid and the account(s) to be charged for each payment approval in accordance with FAR 32.207(b)(2).

52.232-32, Performance-Based Payments

Performance-Based Payments*




Specified in approved payment. The contracting officer shall specify the amount to be paid and the account(s) to be charged for each payment approval in accordance with FAR 32.1007(b)(2).

252.232-7002, Progress Payments for Foreign Military Sales Acquisitions

Progress Payment*




Allocate costs among line items and countries in a manner acceptable to the Administrative Contracting Officer.

*Liquidation of Financing Payments. Liquidation will be applied by the payment office against those ACRNs which are identified by the payment instructions for the delivery payment and in keeping with the liquidation provision of the applicable contract financing clause (i.e., progress payment, performance-based payment, or commercial product and commercial service financing).

(c) The following example illustrates a contract with multiple lots. Note that each lot is specifically identified in Section B of the Schedule in the event lot-wide proration will be used in accordance with DFARS 252.232-7018, Progress Payments-Multiple Lots. Note also that cost-reimbursement line items are not included in the request for progress payment.

Section B – Supplies or services and prices/costs.

Lot 1 (FYXX)
0001 Lot 1 ABC Vehicle (FFP)
0001AA Lot 1 ABC Vehicles, Army (Procurement) 19 EA $300,000 $5,700,000
0001AB Lot 1 ABC Vehicles, Marine Corps (Procurement) 11 EA $300,000 $3,300,000
0002 Data for Item 0001 NSP
0003 Lot 1 Initial Spares (FFP)
0003AA Lot 1 ABC Vehicle Initial Spares Army (See Exhibit C, $456,000) (Procurement)
0003AB Lot 1 ABC Vehicle Initial Spares Marine Corps (See Exhibit D, $264,000) (Procurement)
0004 Lot 1 System Engineering and Program Management (CPFF) 1 Lot

Est. Cost:


Fixed Fee:


Lot 2 (FYXY)
1001 Lot 2 ABC Vehicles (FFP)
1001AA Lot 2 ABC Vehicles, Army (Procurement) 25 EA $303,000 $7,575,000
1001AB Lot 2 ABC Vehicles, Marine Corps (Procurement) 15 EA $307,500 $4,545,000
1002 Data for Item 1001 NSP
1003 Lot 2 Initial Spares (FFP)
1003AA Lot 2 ABC Vehicle Initial Spares Army (See Exhibit E, $606,000) (Procurement)
1003AB Lot 2 ABC Vehicle Initial Spares Marine Corps (See Exhibit F, $363,600) (Procurement)
1004 Lot 2 System Engineering and Program Management (CPFF) 1 Lot

Est. Cost:


Fixed Fee:
