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Part Number: 904

Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation

Subpart 904.7—Contractor Records Retention

Subpart 904.7—Contractor Records Retention

904.702 Applicability.

(b) Contracts containing the Integration of Environment, Safety and Health into Work Planning and Execution clause at 970.5223-1, as prescribed by 952.223-71, or the Radiation Protection and Nuclear Criticality clause at 952.223-72 must also include the Preservation of Individual Occupational Radiation Exposure Records clause at 952.223-75, and the Access to and Ownership of Records clause at 970.5204-3, which will necessitate retention of records in accordance with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)-approved DOE Records Disposition Schedules, rather than those found at FAR Subpart 4.7.