970.5217-2 Agreements for commercializing technology.
As prescribed in 970.1708-3, insert the following clause:
Agreements for Commercializing Technology (Act) [December 2024]
(a) This clause authorizes the use of the mechanism, Agreements for Commercializing Technology (ACT). In accordance with the requirements specified in this clause, the M&O Contractor may conduct third party-sponsored research at the M&O Contractor's risk. While the Department believes ACT has the potential to greatly assist in the commercialization of technologies, it also specifically recognizes that ACT can be used for other engagements with outside entities that are not necessary aimed at commercialization (e.g., technical assistance, training, studies), but that facilitate access to DOE facilities. In performing ACT work, the M&O Contractor may use staff and other resources associated with this M&O contract for the purposes of conducting technical services, training, studies, performing research and development, and/or furthering the technology transfer mission of the Department, only when such work does not interfere with DOE-funded activities conducted as authorized by other parts of this M&O contract. Any allocation of resources that adversely affects work for DOE due to performing ACT work is the responsibility of the M&O Contractor. The resources that may be used include Government-owned or leased facilities, equipment, or other property that is either in the M&O Contractor's custody or available to the M&O Contractor under this M&O contract (unless specifically excluded by the Contracting Officer). For M&O Contractor activities conducted under authority of this clause, the M&O Contractor shall provide full-cost recovery, assume indemnification and liability as provided in paragraph (b)(9) below, and may assume other risks normally borne by private parties sponsoring research at the DOE national laboratories and production plants. In exchange for accepting such risks, or for other private consideration provided by the M&O Contractor, the M&O Contractor is authorized to negotiate separate ACT agreements with the sponsoring third parties. Under ACT agreements, the M&O Contractor may charge those parties additional compensation beyond the full costs of the work at the facility.
(b) The following applies to all work conducted under the ACT mechanism, regardless of the source of funding:
(1) Authority to Perform work under this clause. Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) and other applicable authorities, the M&O Contractor may perform work for non-Federal entities, in accordance with the requirements of this clause.
(2) M&O Contractor's Implementation. For ACT work conducted under the contract, the M&O Contractor must draft, implement, and maintain formal policies, practices, and procedures in accordance with this clause, which must be approved by the Contracting Officer, and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(3) Conditions for Participation in ACT. The M&O Contractor:
(i) Must not perform ACT activities that would place it in direct competition with the private sector;
(ii) May only conduct work under this clause if the work does not interfere with or adversely affect projects and programs the M&O Contractor conducts on behalf of the DOE under this contract, and complies with the terms and conditions of the prime contract If the Government determines that an activity conducted under this clause interferes with the Department's work under the M&O contract, or that termination/stay/suspension of work under an ACT agreement is in the best interest of the Government, the M&O Contractor must stop the interfering ACT work immediately to the extent necessary to resolve the interference. At any time, the Contracting Officer may require the use of specified Government-owned or leased property and facilities for the exclusive use of the DOE mission by providing a written notice excluding said property from the M&O Contractor's activities under this clause. Any cost incurred as a result of Contracting Officer decisions identified in this paragraph shall be borne by the M&O Contractor. The Contracting Officer shall provide to the M&O Contractor in writing its decision, identifying the issues and reasons for the decisions. The M&O Contractor shall be provided with a reasonable opportunity to address and resolve the issues identified by the Contracting Officer;
(iii) Except as otherwise excluded in this clause, must perform all ACT activities in accordance with the standards, policies, and procedures that apply to performance under this M&O contract, including but not limited to environmental, safety and health, security, safeguards, conflict of interest and classification procedures, and human and animal research regulations;
(iv) Must maintain and provide when requested by the DOE Contracting Officer, a summary of project information for each active ACT project, consisting of: sponsor name; total estimated costs; project title and description; project point of contact; and estimated start and completion dates;
(v) Is responsible for addressing the following items in ACT agreements as appropriate: disposition of property acquired under the agreement; export control; notice of intellectual property infringement; and a statement that the Government and/or the M&O Contractor shall have the right to perform similar services in the Statement of Work for other Parties as otherwise authorized by this M&O contract subject to applicable data restrictions;
(vi) Must include a standard legal disclaimer notice on all publications generated under ACT activities. Each DOE M&O Contractor has its own pre-approved publications statement, and this should be included; and
(vii) Must insert the following disclaimer in each agreement under ACT, which must be conspicuous (e.g., bold type, all capital letters, or large font) in all Agreements under ACT so as to meet the standards of due notice.
(4) Contracting Authority. (i) Subject to DOE approval as described in this paragraph, the M&O Contractor is hereby authorized to negotiate terms and conditions between the M&O Contractor and third parties when entering into ACT agreements. The M&O Contractor will have no authority to bind the Government in any way with such terms and conditions. The Government will have no obligation to the M&O Contractor due to such terms and conditions.
(ii) The M&O Contractor shall submit an ACT proposal package (Package) to the Contracting Officer for approval prior to beginning work under an ACT agreement.
(A) A complete Package will include at a minimum: the identity of the parties to the ACT agreement; the principal place of performance; any foreign ownership or control of the ACT agreement parties; a Statement of Work; an estimate of costs incurred under the M&O contract; an anticipated schedule; identification of key Government equipment and facilities that will be used under the ACT agreement; a list of expected deliverables; identification of the Intellectual Property (IP) lead and proposed selection of IP rights, as defined in DOE Class Waiver W(C)-2011-013; a signed certification by the private party(ies) that the M&O Contractor offered the option to use Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) and Strategic Partnership Project (SPP) alternatives (see paragraph (b)(7)
(i) of this clause) sufficiently such that the private parties are aware of the relative costs and other differences between the ACT agreement and the CRADA and SPP alternatives; source of funds, including a statement that no Federal funds, including pass-through funds received as a subcontractor or partner, are being utilized; applicable ES&H and NEPA documentation; a statement of consideration, summarizing the risk and/or consideration offered the ACT participants in exchange for charging beyond full cost recovery or for other compensation provided by the participants; and when multiple third parties are parties to the ACT agreement, or as otherwise requested by the Contracting Officer, an IP Management Plan that sets forth the proposed disposition of IP rights, and income and royalty sharing, among the parties to an ACT agreement.
(B) If the M&O Contractor, the M&O Contractor's parent, member, subsidiary, or other entity in which the M&O Contractor, the M&O Contractor's parent, member or subsidiary has an equity interest, is a party to the ACT agreement, the M&O Contractor shall include as necessary a project-specific addendum to the Master OCI Plan in the Package to address special circumstances not fully anticipated in the prior approved Master OCI Plan (see paragraph (b)(7) of this clause).
(C) If the ACT agreement includes a foreign entity as a party or the statement of work includes the use of human subjects, animal subjects, classified or sensitive subject matter or describes a work scope involving high risks or hazards including environmental issues, the M&O Contractor shall include additional information as necessary or as requested by the Contracting Officer.
(iii) The Contracting Officer shall use reasonable best efforts to review each complete Package submitted by the M&O Contractor under paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B) of this clause within 10 business days of receiving the Package and provide the M&O Contractor with approval or non-approval of the Package. The review of the complete Package by the Contracting Officer shall include a determination that the proposed work: is consistent with or complementary to DOE missions and the contract statement of work; will not adversely impact programs under the contract scope of work; will not place the contractor in direct competition with the domestic private sector; and will not create a detrimental future burden on DOE resources.
(iv) Except as conditionally allowed under paragraph (b)(4)(iv)(A) of this clause, the Contracting Officer must approve the Package before the M&O Contractor may begin work under the proposed ACT agreement. If the Contracting Officer rejects the Package, then the Contracting Officer must provide said rejection to the M&O Contractor in writing including the reasons for the rejection. Upon receipt of the Contracting Officer's written rejection, the M&O Contractor agrees to not further pursue the work described in the package or incur additional costs under the M&O contract for the work described in the Package.
(A) The M&O Contractor may request a preliminary determination that the proposed scope of work is consistent with the contract statement of work and the Contracting Officer will use his/her best efforts to provide such a determination within three business days. Upon such a determination from the Contracting Officer, the M&O Contractor may begin work under the ACT agreement at the M&O Contractor's risk pending final approval of the complete Package. The M&O Contractor must submit a complete Package, as identified in paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of this clause, within 10 business days of the preliminary determination. All costs associated with the performance of work under a preliminary determination are the responsibility of the M&O Contractor, as no Federal funds will be used to fund any work conducted under this clause.
(B) If any source affiliated with the M&O Contractor (any division, subsidiary, or affiliate of the M&O Contractor or its parent company) is a party sponsoring work in connection with the ACT agreement, work may not commence until approval of the complete Package by the Contracting Officer.
(5) Advance Payment for ACT Projects. The M&O Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate advance payment for ACT work conducted under this clause consistent with procedures defined in the Department's Financial Management Handbook. The M&O Contractor shall be solely responsible for collecting payments from third parties for any work conducted under this clause and such collections shall be independent of providing advance payment. For such payments and for any costs, obligations, or liabilities arising due to the M&O Contractor's work under this clause, the M&O Contractor is entirely at risk and the Government shall have no risk.
(6) Costs and Fee. (i) All direct costs associated with the M&O Contractor's work conducted under this clause shall be directly charged to separate and identifiable accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Department's Financial Management Handbook. An allocable portion of indirect costs normally applied to equivalent work under this M&O contract shall also be applied to work conducted under this clause in accordance with the requirements of the Financial Management Handbook. As required by the Financial Management Handbook, changes to the Handbook will be incorporated into this clause by a unilateral administrative modification to the contract. In addition, all work must be performed at full costs that would include Federal Administrative Charge (FAC).
(ii) Work conducted under this clause shall be excluded from the M&O contract award fee calculations and such fee shall not be allocable to work conducted under this clause.
(7) Organizational Conflict of Interest. The M&O Contractor shall conduct work under this clause in a manner that minimizes the appearance of conflicts of interest and avoids or mitigates actual conflicts of interest with the M&O Contractor's functions under this M&O contract. Accordingly, the M&O Contractor shall develop an Organizational Conflict of Interest Mitigation Plan (OCI Plan). The OCI Plan should address OCI issues that arise as a result of the M&O Contractor taking a financial interest in ACT projects, especially in those cases where the M&O Contractor retains rights in ACT IP. Said OCI Plan shall be provided to the Contracting Officer for review and approval as soon as practicable after execution of the M&O contract modification incorporating this clause into the M&O contract. Unless provided otherwise by the Contracting Officer, no work on ACT agreements may commence before Contracting Officer approval of the OCI Plan. In addition to those elements expressly stated in the OCI Plan, the Department may condition any ACT transaction on such other mitigating conditions it determines are appropriate. The OCI Plan shall, at a minimum, include elements that address the following:
(i) Full Disclosure. Before work can begin under an ACT transaction, all parties to ACT agreements must sign a DOE-approved certification that they have been fully informed about the availability of SPP agreements and CRADAs in addition to ACT. The certification at a minimum shall briefly describe SPP agreements, CRADAs and ACT, and will include the relative disposition of IP rights and the costs (including identification of any additional costs e.g., insurance, and other compensation to the M&O Contractor under ACT) for each type of agreement for the scope of work being proposed.
(ii) Priority of Work. The M&O Contractor shall not give work under ACT any special attention or priority over other work under the DOE M&O contract. Work under ACT shall be approved by the Contracting Officer and assigned the same priority relative to other work under the DOE M&O contract that it would normally have if performed under a non-Federal SPP agreement. The Contracting Officer has discretion to determine the agency's priority of work, considering the M&O Contractor's input.
(iii) Participation by Contractor-affiliated sources: If any source affiliated with the M&O Contractor (any division, subsidiary, or affiliate of the M&O Contractor or its parent company) is a party to the ACT agreement, the M&O Contractor shall include as necessary an addendum to the OCI Plan to address special circumstances not fully anticipated in the OCI Plan.
(iv) Right of Inquiry for ACT IP Designation. The Contracting Officer, upon request of DOE Patent Counsel may inquire into the M&O Contractor's designation of any invention or data as arising under an ACT transaction. The M&O Contractor is responsible for curing any defect identified in such inquiry, and if the M&O Contractor cannot adequately justify the designation or cure the defect, then the parties to the ACT agreement may receive modified rights in the IP to the degree necessary to resolve the issues identified by the inquiry.
(8) Intellectual Property. Disposition of intellectual property (IP) arising from work conducted under this clause shall be governed by Class Waiver W(C)-2011-013 (ACT Class Waiver), which is incorporated herein by reference.
(i) All Contractor ACT inventions shall be reported to DOE pursuant to the requirements of the [cite Patent Rights—M&O contract, Nonprofit Organization or Small Business Firm Contractor] clause of this M&O contract.
(ii) In reporting ACT inventions, the M&O Contractor shall identify the ACT agreement under which the invention was made and specify the rights reserved by the Government pursuant to the ACT Class Waiver.
(iii) All technical data identified by the ACT client as Protected ACT Information shall also be marked to identify the ACT agreement under which the data was generated.
(iv) The M&O Contractor shall ensure that all rights and obligations concerning ACT IP, including the appropriate IP provisions authorized in the ACT Class Waiver, are clearly provided in ACT agreements, and that all parties granted any rights in ACT IP are informed of the terms of the waived rights, including the rights reserved by the Government.
(v) Where the M&O Contractor receives ownership or license rights to ACT IP, the M&O Contractor may elect to commercialize the ACT IP consistent with the Technology Transfer Mission clause of this M&O contract.
(vi) As an alternative to paragraph (b)(8)(v) of this clause, if the M&O Contractor has an authorized Private Funded Technology Transfer (PFTT) program, the M&O Contractor may elect to retain private ownership of the ACT IP and commercialize the IP under its applicable PFTT clause, using its private funds, where no costs for developing, patenting, and marketing will be allowable under this M&O contract. The M&O Contractor will share royalties collected on ACT IP with inventors in accordance with paragraph (h) of the Technology Transfer Mission clause of this M&O contract.
(vii) For ACT projects in which the terms of the Agreement provide that the Government reserves the right to use generated data after the particular project expires, the M&O Contractor must provide, to the DOE Office of Technical Information (OSTI), computer software produced under the Agreement in both source and executable object code format.
(viii) Where terms and conditions governing Data and Subject Inventions under this Contract are inconsistent with the terms of the ACT Class Waiver, the ACT Class Waiver will control.
(9) Contractor Liability and Indemnification.
(i) General Indemnity. (A) The M&O Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Government, the Department, and persons acting on their behalf from all liability, including costs and expenses incurred, to any person, including the ACT participants, for injury to or death of persons or other living things or injury to or destruction of property arising out of the performance of an ACT transaction by the Government, the Department, the M&O Contractor, or persons acting on their behalf, or arising out of the use of the services performed, materials supplied, or information given hereunder by any person including the M&O Contractor, and not directly resulting from the fault or negligence of the Government, the Department, or persons (other than the M&O Contractor) acting on their behalf.
(B) Subject to Contracting Officer approval, the General Indemnity set forth in this paragraph (b)(9)
(i) may be modified or waived where:
(1) ACT participants are not providing material or equipment to the M&O Contractor to be used in the performance of the Statement of Work under the ACT transaction; and (2) ACT participants are not sending their employees to the M&O facilities as part of the Statement of Work; and (3) the specific activities performed under the ACT transaction are normally performed by the DOE M&O Contractor under the DOE contract.
(C) Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraphs (b)(9)(i)(A) and (B) of this clause, the M&O Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Government, the Department, and persons acting on their behalf for loss, damage, or destruction of Government property resulting from the fault or negligence of the M&O Contractor. Such indemnification shall be subject to a liability limit of $2,000,000 (two million dollars) per year, or such greater liability limit approved by the cognizant DOE Contracting Officer under the DOE contract. Above the applicable liability limit, the M&O Contractor's responsibility to the Government for such loss, damage or destruction, shall be as set forth in the “Property” clause of this contract.
(ii) Intellectual Property Indemnity. The M&O Contractor shall indemnify the Government, its agents, and employees against liability, including costs, for infringement of any United States patent, copyright, or other intellectual property arising out of any acts required or directed to be performed under the Statement of Work under an ACT transaction to the extent such acts are not already performed at the M&O contract facilities. Such indemnity shall not apply to a claimed infringement that is settled without the consent of the M&O Contractor unless required by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(iii) Product Liability Indemnity. (A) Except for any liability resulting from any negligent acts or omissions of the Government, the M&O Contractor agrees to indemnify the Government for all damages, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising from personal injury or property damage occurring as a result of the making, using, or selling of a product, process, or service by or on behalf of the ACT participants or the M&O Contractor, their assignees, or licensees, which was derived from the work performed under ACT transactions. With respect to this clause, neither the Government nor the M&O Contractor shall be considered assignees or licensees as a result of reserved Government rights in ACT IP. The indemnity set forth in this paragraph shall apply only if the M&O Contractor shall have been informed as soon and as completely as practical by the Government of the action alleging such claim and shall have been given an opportunity, to the maximum extent afforded by applicable laws, rules, or regulations, to participate in and control its defense, and the Government shall have provided all reasonably available information and reasonable assistance requested by the M&O Contractor. No settlement for which the M&O Contractor would be responsible shall be made without the M&O Contractor's consent, unless required by final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(B) Where the M&O Contractor assigns the responsibility for indemnifying the Government under paragraph (b)(9)(iii)(A) of this clause to other ACT participants, the M&O Contractor agrees to seek such indemnification from the other ACT participants.
(iv) Claims and Liabilities. Claims and liabilities resulting from the M&O Contractor's performance of work under an ACT transaction authorized pursuant to this clause shall not be subject to the M&O contract clause entitled “Insurance—Litigation and Claims.” In no event shall the M&O Contractor be reimbursed under the M&O contract for liabilities (and expenses incidental to such liabilities, including litigation costs, counsel fees, and judgment and settlements) incurred as a result of third party claims related to the M&O Contractor's performance under this clause.
(v) Government Obligations. The M&O Contractor shall not include any guarantee or requirement that will obligate the Government to pay or incur any costs or create any liability on behalf of the Government in any ACT agreement or commitment the M&O Contractor executes under authority of this clause. The M&O Contractor agrees if the Contractor does include such a guarantee or requirement, it will have no effect on the Government, such that, the M&O Contractor will be responsible for any costs or liability due to such a guarantee or requirement.
(vi) Insurance. Any cost of insurance to cover risks of the M&O Contractor associated with ACT agreements is unallowable under this contract.
(10) ACT Records. All records associated with the M&O Contractor's activities conducted under the authority of this clause, with the exception of information required under paragraphs (b)(3)(v), (b)(4)(ii)(A), and (b)(13) of this clause shall be treated as M&O Contractor-owned records under the provisions of the Access to and Ownership of Records clause of this M&O contract. The Government or its designees shall use such records in accordance with applicable Federal laws (including the Privacy Act), as appropriate.
(11) Termination. The Government or the M&O Contractor may terminate ACT authority under this contract by providing written notification of termination to the other party (Contracting Officer or the M&O Contractor) as appropriate, no less than 60 days prior to the requested termination date. In such cases, the M&O Contractor shall provide DOE a comprehensive list of active ACT projects. DOE anticipates work commitments under these agreements will be completed regardless of termination. All costs associated with early termination of any ACT agreements prior to the completion shall be the responsibility of the M&O Contractor.
(12) Successor M&O Contractor. To minimize the potential for negative Government programmatic impact and to facilitate seamless transition of work to a successor M&O Contractor, ACT agreement(s) executed under this clause and any contractual instruments associated therewith may be novated to the successor M&O Contractor with the mutual consent of the M&O Contractor, the successor M&O Contractor, and the parties to the affected ACT agreement(s). If the ACT agreement(s) cannot be novated, then the M&O Contractor as a private sponsor shall be permitted to enter into a Non-Federal SPP agreement with the successor M&O Contractor that will enable completion of the statement of work. Such agreements shall be entered into pursuant to DOE SPP policies. DOE shall make good faith efforts to incorporate the terms of the applicable ACT agreement.
(13) Minimum Reporting requirements. The M&O Contractor shall maintain records of its activities related to ACT in a manner and to the extent satisfactory to DOE and specifically including, but not limited to the number of ACT agreements, the amount of funds reimbursed to DOE for work under ACT and aggregate funding received beyond costs in the performance of ACT, the number of third party entities engaged through ACT that had not previously sponsored projects under the M&O contract and the number that had not previously sponsored projects under any DOE M&O contract, the amount of funds reimbursed to DOE by newly engaged entities, the number of parties and types of entities engaged in each individual ACT agreement, and the number of invention disclosures, licenses and start-ups arising from ACT. The M&O Contractor shall establish performance metric(s) to measure the time required to negotiate ACT agreements in a manner consistent with the time required to negotiate CRADAs and SPPs. The M&O Contractor shall obtain from each entity engaged in ACT the entity's reason(s) for selecting ACT for performance of work under the M&O contract. Also, the M&O Contractor shall report the above identified data annually to the DOE Contracting Officer and in such a format that will serve to adequately inform DOE of the Contractor's activities under ACT while protecting any data not subject to disclosure under this M&O contract. Such records shall be made available in accordance with the clauses of this M&O contract pertaining to inspection, audit and examination of records.
(End of clause)