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Part Number: 909

Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation

909.406-2 Causes for debarment.

909.406-2 Causes for debarment.

(c) The DOE and NNSA Debarring Official may debar a contractor for any other cause of so serious or compelling a nature that it affects the present responsibility of a contractor. Such cause may include but is not limited to:

(1) Commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a private contract or subcontract.

(2) Inexcusable, prolonged, or repeated failure to pay a debt (including disallowed costs and overpayments) owed to DOE, provided the contractor has been notified of the determination of indebtedness, and further provided that the time for initiating any administrative or legal action to oppose or appeal the determination of indebtedness has expired or that such action, if initiated, has been concluded.

(d) The Debarring Official may debar a contractor:

(1) On the basis that an individual or organization is an affiliate of a debarred contractor, subject to the requirements of 48 CFR 9.406-1(b) and 9.406-3(c).

(2) For failure to observe the material provisions of a voluntary exclusion (see 10 CFR 1036.315 for discussion of voluntary exclusion).