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Change Number: 2024-1001
Effective Date: 10/01/2024



A/BO - Alternate and/or Billing Official

A/BO - for JAM purposes = Approving/Billing Official

ACOM - Army Command

AFARS - Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

AO - Approving Official

A/OPC - Agency/Organization Program Coordinator

APO - Accountable Property Officer

ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

ASA(ALT) - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology)

AXOL - Access Online

BO - Billing Official

BPA - Blanket Purchase Agreement

CAP - Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program

CCO - Chief of Contracting Office

CH - Cardholder

CHESS - Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions

C.O.D. - Cash on delivery

CONUS - Continental United States

DA - Department of the Army

DAO - Departmental Accountable Official

DAU - Defense Acquisition University

DAWIA - Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act DEAMS - Defense Enterprise Accounting Management System DFARS - Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement DFAS - Defense Finance and Accounting Service

DoD - Department of Defense

DD Form - Department of Defense Form

DPCAP - Defense Pricing, Contracting, and Acquisition Policy

DSN - Defense Switched Network

DTMO - Defense Travel Management Office

EAS - Electronic Access System

EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity EDI - Electronic Data Interchange ETO - Emergency-Type Operations FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation FDC - Foreign Draft Checks FORSCOM - Forces Command

FMR - Financial Management Regulation

FPDS-NG - Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation

GAO - Government Accountability Office

GFEBS - General Financial Enterprise Business System

GPC - Government Purchase Card GSA - General Services Administration HA - Head of Activity

HCA - Head of Contracting Activity

IOD - Insights on Demand

IRS - Internal Revenue Service IT - Information Technology JWOD - Javits-Wagner-O’Day KO – Contracting Officer

LOA – Line of Accounting

MCC - Merchant Category Code

MCCG - Merchant Category Code Group

MIPR - Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request

MPT - Micro-purchase Threshold

NAF - Nonappropriated Fund

NAFI - Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act OCONUS - Outside the Continental United States OMB - Office of Management and Budget


PR&A - Purchase Request and Approval

RM - Resource Manager

SCO - Senior Contracting Official

SF - Standard Form

UAC - Unauthorized Commitment USC - United States Code