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Change Number: 2025-0314
Effective Date: 03/14/2025

9-6. DLA Document Services

9-6. DLA Document Services

a. Cardholders will purchase print devices and services from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). This requirement applies to Unclassified and Secret-level printing devices (e.g., self-service office copiers and multi-functional devices, desktop and stand-alone printers, and scanners) purchased or leased with federal funds appropriated to the Army. This requirement also applies to the following services:

1) Maintenance of installed Government-owned or DLA-leased printing devices to include repairs.

2) Printing, scanning, and document conversion (e.g., banners, decals, technical manuals), except for products managed by the Army Print and Media Distribution Center (APMDC) such as Army-wide publications.

b. Cardholders must procure all printing requirements that cannot be produced in-house using their respective organizational printers from DLA Document Services. See DoDI 5330.03, Single Manager of DoD Document Services, and Army CIO memorandum, “Army Procurement or Lease of Printing Devices and Services,” dated 17 November 2023. For CHs within the Washington DC metropolitan area, additional mandatory printing requirements are located here:

c. DLA will provide an exception to policy (ETP) memo if the product is unavailable. ITAS approval is required prior to the procurement of IT, including printing devices and services. The requesting activity will attach the ETP memo to the ITAS procurement request.

d. GPC purchases from DLA Document Services are considered IGT and are subject to the IGT payment limit of $10,000. If transactions do not meet the DLA Document Services criteria, activities will use other funding vehicles (e.g., DD Form 448, MIPR, DD Form 282, DoD Printing Requisition/Order).

e. Exemptions. Products exempt from this policy include items that are funded or procured with non-Army funding and manufacturing equipment such as 3-D printers. Also, the following organizations are exempt from the requirement to buy print devices and services from DLA:

1) US Army National Guard (ARNG) and US Army Reserve (USAR)

2) Army-wide departmental printing and Army Headquarters printing services provided by the U.S. Army Print and Media Distribution Center (APMDC)

3) Army intelligence printers and services acquired under the National Intelligence Program (NIP) or the Military Intelligence Program (MIP)

9-7. Clothing & Heraldry.

Flags, guidons, and streamers described in AR 840-10 will be requisitioned from the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command, Clothing and Heraldry Office, Product Support Integration Directorate, unless otherwise indicated. Stocked items are available on FedMall. Stocked items include, but are not limited to, national flags and general officer protocol flags. The Clothing & Heraldry Office does not provide stocked items. Requiring activities will submit requests for flags, guidons, and streamers at the following website: