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Change Number: 2025-0314
Effective Date: 03/14/2025

8-2. Individual Slots in Existing COTS Course

8-2. Individual Slots in Existing COTS Course


Cardholders may use the GPC to pay for individual student(s) to attend a COTS course, training conference or training event when the session/event already exists. All applicable event details (e.g., date, time, location) are known and advertised to the public. The cardholder is paying for slot(s) in the existing session or event. For example, the CH registers a student for a session in which the date and location are advertised on the vendor’s website.


Per DoDI 1400.25, Vol. 410, the maximum limit for training authorized by use of a single SF 182 is $25,000 per transaction. Paying for individual slot(s) in an existing course is not a FAR-based transaction. As such, the MPT does not apply to these transactions.


Each slot may be considered its own transaction, even when paid together. Each student must have an approved SF 182 or equivalent. Each slot must be below $25,000. Cardholders may pay each slot as a

separate transaction or may combine the slots into a single transaction for the total amount.


Cardholders will use the GPC as the method of payment for commercial training requests using the SF 182, only when:

1) SF 182 or equivalent is granted to individual employees; and

2) The individual employees will attend a regularly scheduled, off-the-shelf course that is available to the public and priced the same for everyone in the same category (e.g., priced per student, course, program, service, or training space) and requires no tailoring; and

3) The GPC is being used to pay the training provider directly instead of reimbursing the employee by miscellaneous payment as authorized in the DoD FMR and DoDI 1400.25, Volume 410; and

4) The requirement is valued at or below $25,000.


To purchase training using the SF 182, the CH will have


Miscellaneous Payments Official Cardholder (SF-182 Training Payments) designation in their appointment letter in JAM.


Agent authority is used to pay vendors directly for training approved on an SF 182 or equivalent that would otherwise be reimbursed to an individual. For example, an employee obtains approval and registers for a class that is open to the public. A cardholder pays the vendor directly, thus eliminating any need to reimburse the employee (DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12, Section 120323).


File Documentation

. Cardholders must redact PII (e.g., social security number) before uploading documents in the bank’s EAS. Cardholders will include the following documentation in their purchase file:

1) Signed SF 182 or equivalent.

2) Invoice and/or receipt.

3) Proof of class completion (e.g., signed Section F of SF 182, training certificate, sign-in roster, TED Credit Card Purchase report).