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Change Number: 2025-0314
Effective Date: 03/14/2025

6-12. Rejected Payments

6-12. Rejected Payments

a. BOs must review LOAs selected by the CH as part of the review, reconciliation, and certification process. Payments are generally rejected because of missing or incorrect LOAs. The Army’s financial management system will also reject missing or incorrect LOAs, requiring the finance office to make corrections or complete a manual payment in the system. When this happens, the A/OPC will notify the BO when a payment has been rejected in the system. The BO must immediately contact their RM for assistance in obligating funds in the system and processing the manual payment. For GFEBS-funded accounts, follow the GFEBS manual payment process.

b. Steps for processing manual payments for non-GFEBS-funded accounts.

1) Print the managing account statement from the servicing bank’s EAS (located under Account Information).

2) Download the Statement Signature Page and certify the statement with a pen and ink signature.

3) The BO may obtain the document control number for each transaction by running the Standard Document Number report from the bank’s EAS (located under Custom Reports).

4) After the document control number is applied, the BO must forward the request for commitment, obligation, and expense to the appropriate resource manager along with a copy of the certified GPC bank statement.

5) The resource manager must input the requirement to the financial management system within two business days of receipt.