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Change Number: 2025-0317
Effective Date: 03/17/2025

5150.103-5 Processing cases.

5150.103-5 Processing cases.

Within five working days of receipt of a request for contract adjustment, regardless of dollar amount,the Contracting officer shall submit the contractor’s request, through procurement channels, as described below.

(1) For contract adjustment on existing firm-fixed-price contracts to account for inflationary conditions (See for Defense Pricing and Contracting guidance)—

(a) Contracting officers shall send all FAR Part 50 contract adjustment requests to the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement (ODASA(P)) via, within 5-business days of receipt. Subject line should state “FAR Part 50 Extraordinary Contractual Actions_Inflation Impacts_Vendor Name”.

(b) The ODASA(P) will submit the contractor’s request to DPCAP within 5-business days of receipt from the Contracting officer via to satisfy DPCAP reporting guidance of 10-business days.

(2) For processing and disposition of an approved contractor’s adjustment request, Contracting officers shall—

(a) Submit the Preliminary Record of Request for Adjustment, through their local headquarters office, to the ODASA(P) via the Enterprise Task Management System 2.0 (ETMS2 ) within 30 days after the close of the month in which the record is prepared.

(b) Follow the procedures at DFARS PGI 250.103-5 and DFARS PGI 250.101-3(2) to prepare the preliminary and final record and coordinate with their local Senior Contracting Official and legal counsel prior to submitting to the ODASA(P).

(3) The ODASA(P) will staff the request with the Office of the General Counsel/Acquisition Law Practice Group and the Army Contract Adjustment Board (ACAB).

(4) The ACAB is convened by the ASA(ALT) on an as-needed basis. he ACAB will approve or disapprove the request. The Contracting officer will be notified of the ACAB’s decision and shall prepare the final record as described in DFARS PGI 250.103-6.