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Change Number: 2025-0317
Effective Date: 03/17/2025

5103.104-4 Disclosure, protection, and marking of contractor bid or proposal information and source selection information.

5103.104-4 Disclosure, protection, and marking of contractor bid or proposal information and source selection information.

(a) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) or Contracting officer may disclose contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information to facilitate timely access to information by higher Headquarters personnel and external stakeholders who require such access in the performance of their official duties. See Appendix GG . Personnel serving in the following positions are authorized access to contractor bid or proposal information and source selection information to the extent necessary to perform their official duties:

(i) Personnel assigned to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)), Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management & Comptroller (ASA(FMC)) and the Office of the Army General Counsel, who are performing Headquarters, Department of the Army level reviews or oversight.

(ii) Personnel participating in the evaluation of an offeror’s or bidder’s proposal or in the review and defense of protests.

(iii) Personnel in the responsible contracting office, along with supporting legal and small business office personnel.

(iv) Personnel in the requiring activity having principal technical cognizance over the requirement, to include those with technical oversight responsibilities.

(v) Personnel assigned to the Defense Contract Audit Agency and contract administration offices of the DoD, who are supporting the procurement.

(vi) Personnel assigned to the DoD Office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) performing reviews or oversight.

(vii) Other personnel whom the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement), the HCA, Contracting officer, or the source selection authority designates on an individual basis.

(b) Follow the procedures at AFARS PGI 5103.104-4-1 Access to Contract Procurement Data and Documentation to provide access.