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Change Number: 2024-0610
Effective Date: 06/10/2024

3-13. File Retention

3-13. File Retention

a. The approving or certifying official maintains certified billing statements and supporting documents for six years and three months in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), General Records Schedule (GRS) 6, “Accountable Officers’ Accounts Records”. See DOD FMR Volume 15, Chapter 6 for additional information on document retention for accountable officers’ records (10 years from the date of case closure for Foreign Military Sales).

b. All financial records, both paper and electronic, must be retained documenting the GPC transactions in a file to include (1) the BO statement, (2) the CH statement, and (3) all original receipts and documentation for those statements.

c. Receipts are considered supporting documents for the certified billing statement and in accordance with the DOD FMR, Volume 1, Chapter 9, must be retained for six years and three months after final payment. Original receipts are preferred; however, printed electronic forms or copies of an itemized receipt are acceptable. The receipt must be legible; goods must be itemized/detailed with the item description, quantity, price, and extended price; indicate vendor’s name and address; date of the purchase; and must indicate paid by credit card or zero amount due. The BO maintains these records, either physically in his/her physical possession, or when appropriate transfers to a records holding area. However, if certifying electronically, the CH and BO may rely on the Servicing Bank recordkeeping for the BO and CH statements. Original records are the property of the U.S. Government and may not be removed from government control by the BO for any reason.

d. Level 4 A/OPCs shall retain hard copy file documentation for Government credit card files documenting application for cards and approval, account maintenance, letters of GPC delegation (CH or BO), ethics certification (if applicable), required training certifications, results of annual reviews, and related information for three years after the fiscal year in which the card account is cancelled.

e. Documents received and/or generated by the cardholder to support transactions shall be retained for six years and three months after final payment. Data residing in the bank’s electronic access system is maintained by the bank for six years and three months. Reports may be retrieved from the Bank’s electronic access system (EAS) for the previous two years. Reports covering data for periods beyond the previous two years are available from the Bank upon request.