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Change Number: 2025-0314
Effective Date: 03/14/2025

15-6. Wide Area Workflow

15-6. Wide Area Workflow

a. DFARS 232.7002(a)(5)(b)(1) requires that only WAWF be used to create and accept receiving reports when the GPC is used as a method of payment against a contract. As specified in DFARS PGI 253.213-70, the code “CRCARD” must be used in the Pay Official / DoDAAC field for self-administered contracts to be paid in WAWF. Contracting Officers awarding contracts authorizing use of the GPC as a method of payment must ensure contractor compliance with the requirement for vendors to use WAWF to create and submit the receiving report in accordance with the 15-6. Wide Area Workflow requirement for written acceptance. These requirements are addressed in DFARS 232.7002(a)(2) and 232.7003(a) , and DFARS PGI 253.213-70 .

b. The Contracting Officer is responsible for ensuring the WAWF clauses are included in the contract, the vendor initiates the receiving report in WAWF, and the Government acceptor documents acceptance in WAWF. The CH is required to verify acceptance has occurred in WAWF prior to approving his/her billing statement and sending it to the BO for approval and Certifying Officer for certification. Contracting Officers may not specify the GPC as the method of payment when contract administration functions will be performed by other than the contracting organization (e.g., they will be assigned to DCMA), because the contract administration office does not have insight into contract delivery and payments. To ensure proper routing of contracts paid with the GPC, contracts assigned to DCMA for administration cannot cite the GPC as the method of payment. DFARS PGI 242.3 requires that a valid payment office be designated using the Contract Administration Services Directory (CASD). GPC is not a valid CASD payment method.

c. DFARS Appendix F contains procedures and instructions for the use, preparation, and distribution of the WAWF Receiving Report (RR) and commercial shipping/packing lists used to document Government contract quality assurance. Preparation instructions and training for the WAWF RR are available at PIEE. The instructions on preparing a WAWF RR are part of the Vendor Training section.

d. On March 3, 2008, DoD issued a final rule amending the DFARS to require use of WAWF as the only acceptable electronic system for submitting requests for payment (invoices and receiving reports) under DoD contracts.