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Change Number: 2025-0314
Effective Date: 03/14/2025

14-3. Prohibited Transactions

14-3. Prohibited Transactions

The following list identifies supplies and services that are prohibited from purchase with the GPC.

a. Aircraft fuel and oil. The Air card is the appropriate procurement method.

b. Auto Insurance for Government-owned vehicles.

c. Bail and Bond Payments.

d. Betting, casino gaming chips, and off-track betting.

e. Cash advances, including money orders and travelers’ checks.

f. Court costs, alimony, and child support.

g. Dating and escort services.

h. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) settlements.

i. Equipment, Systems, and Services Using Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services as a Substantial Component or Critical Technology. FAR 13.201(j)(1) prohibits use of the GPC to “procure, obtain, or extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain, any equipment, system, or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as a critical technology as part of any system, unless an exception applies or a waiver is granted.”

j. Fines. Use of the GPC to settle a commercial or governmental fine is generally prohibited.

k. Foreign currency.

l. Gift Certificates and Gift Cards. Buying gift certificates and cards is generally prohibited. Gift certificates and gift cards are considered cash advances and must not be purchased with the GPC, even to obtain items from merchants that do not accept the GPC. As with cash and near-cash, gift certificates and gift cards are prohibited because they are easily misappropriated, and the award of gift certificates or gift cards requires the submission of 1099 reports in accordance with IRS regulations. The Army is required to file a form 1099-MISC for payments to individuals totaling more than $600 in a tax year.

m. Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) or Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Containing Items. Cardholders must not procure any covered items that contain PFOS or PFOA. Covered items include (1) nonstick cookware or cooking utensils for use in galleys or dining facilities; and (2) upholstered furniture, carpets, and rugs that have been treated with stain-resistant coatings.

n. Personal use Purchases.

o. Pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals must be purchased through the DLA supply system.

p. Repair of leased GSA vehicles. The fleet card is the appropriate method for these repairs.

q. Salaries and Wages.

r. Savings bonds.

s. Supplies or Services from military personnel or civilian employees (e.g., when Government employees are acting as vendors).

t. Taxes. Use of the GPC for personal tax payments is prohibited because personal expenses cannot be charged to the GPC. As a Federal Government entity, DoD is exempt from paying most taxes to any other Federal, State, or local authority. (Some states, like New Mexico, levy taxes the Federal Government must pay.) For more information, see the GSA State Tax Exemption Information for Government Charge Cards.

u. Tax on Certain Foreign Procurements. CHs will not use the GPC as a method of payment or purchase when a contract instrument contains FAR Clause 52.229-12, unless DFARS Clause 252.229-7014 is also present. In certain circumstances, the Government must withhold a two percent excise tax on foreign payments to vendors to comply with the FAR and IRS regulations. The GPC does not provide a method to accomplish this withholding. As a result, the GPC is prohibited from being used.

v. Telecommunication Systems. Use of the GPC to purchase major telecommunication systems, such as Federal Telecommunications System or Defense Switched Network (DSN) systems, is prohibited. A contract vehicle is required because such purchases include special terms and conditions. DFARS 239.74 governs DoD’s acquisition of telecommunications.

w. TikTok. In accordance with FAR 13.201(k), the prohibition in FAR 4.2202 on use of a ByteDance covered application (“TikTok”) applies to purchases at or below the MPT where the performance of the contract may require the presence or use of a covered application (e.g., where social media advertising services might be part of the procurement), unless an exception is granted.

x. Video Surveillance Cameras.

y. Wire transfers.