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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

11-3. Insights on Demand

11-3. Insights on Demand

a. Insights on Demand (IOD) is the SmartPay®3 data mining (DM) tool used to monitor purchasing activity and perform oversight functions. IOD provides the capabilities to identify high-risk transactions and unusual spending patterns; scan purchasing activity for misuse, fraud, waste, and abuse; and flag transactions for review. Instructions on how to navigate and perform functions in IOD are in the servicing bank’s IOD user guides and in the Defense Pricing, Contracting and Acquisition Policy - Contracting eBusiness website.

b. GPC program officials must use IOD to perform the following actions:

1) Document Daily DM Case Reviews (includes BO DM Case Questionnaires and A/OPC DM Case Questionnaires), Monthly A/OPC Reviews (includes Monthly A/OPC Check List and Monthly A/OPC Review Report) and Semi-Annual Head of Activity (HA) Reviews (includes Semi-Annual HA Review Report).

2) Review all BO completed DM case reviews, and document any finding, determination, or corrective action taken by completing the A/OPC DM Case Questionnaire. Failure to complete required reviews in a timely manner may result in account suspensions.

3) Initiate and complete reviews of cases for each finding and disciplinary category determination they independently identify (i.e., not flagged by IOD).

c. IOD Terminology. IOD provides specific terminology in its reference document, “IOD Case and Review Status Definitions and Workflow,” as well as when referring to the various levels of A/OPCs.

1) “CPM” refers to the Component Program Manager or Level 2 A/OPC.

2) “O AOPC” refers to the Oversight A/OPC or Level 3 A/OPC.

3) “AOPC” refers to the Level 4 A/OPC.