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Part Number: 2944

Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation


Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

Source: 69 FR 22991, Apr. 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

      Subpart 2944.1 - General

           2944.101 Waiver.

      Subpart 2944.2 - Consent To Subcontract

           2944.201-1 Consent requirements.

           2944.202 Contracting officer's evaluation.

           2944.202-2 Considerations.

           2944.203 Consent limitations.

      Subpart 2944.3 - Contractors' Purchasing Systems Reviews

           2944.302 Requirements.

Subpart 2944.1 - General

2944.101 Waiver.

The waiver of consent must be in writing, signed by the contracting officer, and included in the contract file. The waiver must include all supporting facts, including the rationale for waiving the consent to subcontract requirements.

Subpart 2944.2 - Consent To Subcontract

2944.201-1 Consent requirements.

In accordance with FAR 44.201-1(b) or FAR 44.201-2, advance notification and agreement are required for all cost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, or labor-hour subcontracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold.

2944.202 Contracting officer's evaluation.

2944.202-2 Considerations.

The review required by FAR 44.202-2(a) must be documented in writing (including supporting facts and rationale), signed by the contracting officer, and included in the contract file.

2944.203 Consent limitations.

Any limitations placed on the consent to subcontract must be documented in writing (including supporting facts and rationale), signed by the contracting officer, and included in the contract file.

Subpart 2944.3 - Contractors' Purchasing Systems Reviews

2944.302 Requirements.

The authority of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management under FAR 44.302(a), to raise or lower the $25 million review level for a contractor's purchasing system, may not be delegated. When a contractor's purchasing system review is required by the contracting officer, the effort must be coordinated with the OASAM Business Operations Center's Division of Acquisition Management Services and the Division of Cost Determination.