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Change Number: 2022-0517
Effective Date: 05/17/2022

1.602-3 Ratification of unauthorized commitments.

(a) Definitions.

Ratifying Official . Ratifying Official as used here means the Senior Procurement Executive, (SPE) or the Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA), as specified in (b)(2) below.

(b)(2) The ratifying official for all DISA unauthorized commitments (UC) of any dollar value and non-DISA UCs valued at or above $1M is the SPE. The ratifying official for all non-DISA UCs valued below $1M is the HCA. Coordination of the ratification request shall flow from the individual that made the unauthorized commitment as follows: 1) Cognizant contracting officer to prepare the Determination and Findings portion of the Ratification Approval Form, 2) General Counsel for a legal opinion, 3) DITCO HCO for review and concurrence and 4) PL22 for review and processing. PL22 will log the complete package into the PL22 Ratification Log, assign a tracking number, review the package to provide any findings or comments to the contracting officer, and coordinate the final package for submission to the ratifying official for approval. The CoCO will notify the HCA when an UC has occurred, to include Center/Directorate/Division and D-Code, individual who committed the UC, dollar value, and the general facts of the UC. The HCA will notify the cognizant Center/Directorate SES(s).

(S-90) For all DISA requiring offices, the individual that made the UC serves as the Action Officer for the ratification request and prepares the package using the PSD Request for Approval of Unauthorized Commitment Form, to include documents specified to be provided to develop a complete record of the UC, and prepares a DISA Form 9. If the UC was made by a non-DISA employee, then the Form 9 will be prepared by the contract specialist or contracting officer.

The Ratification Approval Form, Ratification Instructions, DISA Form 9, Timelines for Processing Ratification Packages, and Ratification Log are located in the DARS PGI 1.602-3.

(S-91) Timelines for Processing Ratification Packages can be found in DARS PGI 1.602-3(b)(2)(S-91)

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