Primary | Alternate(s) |
Camara Francis (DHS) Department of Homeland Security Office of Chief Procurement Officer Washington, DC 20528 Tel. # 202-934-6311 Camara.Francis@hq.dhs.gov | Donata Sikon-Amato Tel. # 771-201-1862 Donata.Sikon-Amato@hq.dhs.gov |
Marcelle Loveday (DOC) Department of Commerce Office of Acquisition Management 1401 Constitution Ave, NW, Room 1854 Washington, DC 20230 Tel. # 202-482-5519 MLoveday@doc.gov | Virna L. Winters Tel. # 202-482-3483 vwinters@doc.gov Elliott Jones Tel. # 703-887-3858 Ejones4@doc.gov Olivia Bradley Tel. # 202-482-4511 OBradley@doc.gov |
Jason Taylor (DOE) 1000 Independence Ave., SW (MA-61) Washington, DC 20585 Tel. # 202-287-1560 jason.taylor@hq.doe.gov | Attila Csoma Tel. # 240-449-5619 attila.csoma@hq.doe.gov |
Tiffany Harvey (DOI) Supervisory Procurement Analyst Office of Acquisition and Property Management U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Tel. # 202-513-7541 Tiffany_Harvey@ios.doi.gov | Kaprice Tucker Tel. # 202-208-3466 kaprice_tucker@ios.doi.gov Antonia (Toni) Giammo Tel. # 202-208-5250 antonia_giammo@ios.doi.gov |
Patricia Lee Sylvester (DOJ) Office of Acquisition Management (OAM) U.S. Department of Justice 145 N. Street, NE Suite 8W-212 Washington, DC 20530 Tel. # 202-802-3675 Patricia.Lee.Sylvester@usdoj.gov | Kimberly Alciatore Tel. # 202-258-6146 Kimberly.Alciatore@usdoj.gov Kay Matthews Tel. # 202-297-0634 Kay.Matthews@usdoj.gov Kevin Muniz Tel. # 202-880-7662 kevin.muniz@usdoj.gov |
Ms. Lattia Baker (DOL) Branch Chief, Policy Branch OASAM/OSPE/PPMD U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20210 Tel. # baker.lattia.l@dol.gov | Ms. Yetunde Kehinde (DOL) Tel. # Kehinde.Yetunde.B@dol.gov |
Annette Gray (DOS) U.S. Department of State Office of the Procurement Executive - Policy Division 2201 C Street NW Suite 1060, SA-15 Washington, DC 20250-2717 Tel. # 703-516-1696 GrayAD@state.gov | Mark Motta Tel.# (202) 368 8018 mmotta2@state.gov |
Gibran Mills (DOT) U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Senior Procurement Executive Acquisition Policy, Oversight & Business Strategies 550 12th Street, SW 1200 New Jersey Ave SE Tel. # 202-366-4974 gibran.mills@dot.gov | Camille Murray Tel. # 202-366-0486 camille.murray@dot.gov |
M. LaVonne Shingler (ED) U.S. Department of Education Office Federal Student Aid Supervisory Procurement Analyst Tel: # (202) 664-4780 LaVonne.Shingler@ed.gov | Jennifer Sokolower Tel: # 202-987-0077 jennifer.sokolower@ed.gov |
Donna Blanding (EPA) Office of Acquisition Solutions 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW Mail Code: 3802R Washington, DC 20460 Tel. # 202-564-1130 blanding.donna@epa.gov | Pamela Leftrict Tel. # 202-564-9463 leftrict.pamela@epa.gov |
Jarreau A. Vieira (Jāv) (HHS) Branch Chief Office of Acquisitions 200 Independence Ave, SW Washington, DC 20201 Tel. # 202-731-4625 jarreau.vieira@hhs.gov | Blenda Perez (HHS) Tel. # 202-536-6174 Blenda.Perez@hhs.gov Joanne Battaglia Tel. # 227-215-4270 joanne.battaglia@hhs.gov |
Patricia A. Broome (HUD) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Chief Procurement Officer Policy, Systems and Risk Management 451 7th Street, SW – Room 5276 Washington, DC 20410 Tel. # 202-402-5290 Patricia.A.Broome@hud.gov | Tabitha M. Painson-McLeod Tel.# 202-402-5680 Tabitha.M.Painson-McLeod@hud.gov |
Diane Thompson (NASA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration 300 E St., SW Washington, DC 20546 Tel. # 202-358-0514 Diane.Thompson@nasa.gov |
Steven Kvalevog (Treasury) Department of the Treasury Office of the Procurement Executive (OPE) 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220 Tel. # 202-622-6585 Steven.Kvalevog@treasury.gov | Alan Monico Tel. # 202-622-5703 alan.monico@treasury.gov |
Sam Le (SBA) Small Business Administration 409 3rd St. SW, Washington, DC 20416 Tel. # (202) 619-1789 Sam.Le@sba.gov Special Counsel Major Clark III Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy 409 3rd Street SW Washington DC 20416 major.clark@sba.gov | Donna Fudge Tel. # 202-205-6363 donna.fudge@sba.gov
Dawn Caracci (SSA) Social Security Administration Office Director of Acquisition Support Office of Acquisition and Grants Social Security Administration 1540 Robert M. Ball Building 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21235 Tel. # 443-204-2419 dawn.caracci@ssa.gov | Angie Landis Tel. # 410-965-9559 Angie.Landis@ssa.gov Junghie Elky Tel. # 410-965-9579 Junghie.Elky@ssa.gov |
Lyudmila Bond, (USAID) U.S. Agency for International Development M/OAA/P, SA-44 Room 867-G 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20004 Tel. # 202-567-4753 lbond@usaid.gov | Jasen Andersen Tel. # 202-286-3116 jaandersen@usaid.gov Kelly Miskowski Tel. # 202-916-2752 kmiskowski@usaid.gov |
Angela Mitchell (USDA) Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) Procurement Policy Division 1400 Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20250 Tel. # 270-978-9292 angela.mitchell@usda.gov | Crandall Watson Tel. # 202-617-7067 Crandall.Watson@usda.gov |
Brian M Farrell (VA) Department of Veterans Affairs Procurement Guidance and Instruction Service (PGIS) Office of Acquisition & Logistics Tel. # 240-310-2585 Brian.Farrell@va.gov | John Womack Tel.# 202-916-0047 John.Womack@va.gov Racheal Brannon Tel. # 659-346-1440 Racheal.Brannon@va.gov |
Jeff Gangi Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 445 12th Street SW Washington, D.C. 20024-2101 Tel. # 202-229-5060 Gangi.Jeffrey@pbgc.gov | Jigisha Patel Tel. # 202-229-3804 Patel.Jigisha@pbgc.gov Fiorela Kvalevog Tel. # 202-264-9870 Kvalevog.fiorela@pbgc.gov Christopher D. Mettee Tel. # 202-653-4696 cmettee@imls.gov |