
Recommendations from The Coalition for Government Procurement

Last year, the Coalition for Government Procurement submitted a number of recommendations in response to the Chief Acquisition Officers Council (CAO) Council Open Dialogue to improve the economy and efficiency of the Federal acquisition system. The Coalition urges the government to take action on the previously submitted recommendations to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of Federal procurement. Implementing ...more »

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9 votes


More guidance in FAC on Subrecipient Monitoring

Princeton University suggests that the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) should provide more guidance (e.g. definitions, acronyms) on how to access and leverage annual reports to monitor subrecipients per Uniform Guidance requirements in order to reduce the burden. Assistance in navigating through the forms similar to guidance provided to comply with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) would ...more »

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9 votes

Contractors and Grantees

Transactional data reporting- more efficient than weekly form

Comment from June 10 Data Act Summit breakout session on Recipient Reporting: As a Federal Award recipient, I want transactional data reporting to be a more efficient method than a weekly form. There’s a need to minimize weekly re-entry of the same information that was submitted previously. Also the government already has a lot of this information, so the recipient should only be required to report what the government ...more »

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8 votes


PSC: Eliminate Service Contract Inventory Reporting Requirements

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires federal service contractors to report their direct labor hours and amounts invoiced to the government. This mandate is intended to help federal agencies fulfill their annual requirement to submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) an inventory of activities performed by service contractors, in order to help determine whether agencies have the right balance of ...more »

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7 votes


True single audit

1. Achieve a true single audit. IHEs are still subject to multiple audits of their individual programs and compliance processes, despite the Single Audit Act of 1984, OMB Circular A-133 and 2CFR-200 Uniform Guidance which mandate single audits for non-federal entities that receive federal funding. The University is subject to a major compliance audit, desk audits and program audits each year.

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5 votes


Duplicate vs unduplicate: number of individuals served

Do the feds have a formula they want us to use when reporting on partner stations that DO NOT collect unduplicated individuals served? Every year we run up against this issue and how to dissect a number of all served, usually duplicated, to how that breaks down as far as number of individuals served by RSVP volunteers.

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4 votes


Harmonize Training

Harmonize Requirements and Standardized Collection of Non-Financial Training Prior to Issuance of an Award - Non-Financial Investigator training requirements (e.g. Financial Conflict of Interest, Responsible Conduct of Research, Research with Human Subjects), are convoluted because acceptable subject matter and timelines for completion vary by agency. Non-financial training requirements should be harmonized to reduce ...more »

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4 votes


PSC: Roll Back Executive Compensation Reporting

Based on the lack of any perceptible value for the agencies or the public, we recommend that Congress repeal the mandate for reporting on executive compensation and that the FAR Council subsequently revise the relevant contract clauses. Doing so will save millions of dollars and liberate additional contractor and government resources to focus on what matters most—achieving the missions of the federal government and serving ...more »

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4 votes

Contractors and Grantees

Change/Update the focus of the Paper Reduction Act

Consider an effort to have PUBLIC LAW 96-511—DEC. 11, 1980 (Paper Reduction Act) updated or encourage a new public law so as to change the focus to reducing administrative burden (i.e. creation of a “Administrative Burden Reduction Act”). The goal would be to (1) engage the research community on an ongoing basis to create efficiencies, (2) encompass a risk analysis for all types of administrative activities to match ...more »

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3 votes


Volunteer timesheets

Allow for easier way to obtain and record RSVP volunteer timesheets. Currently the signature piece is unclear. As long as the supervisor at the site signs off that should be more than enough.

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2 votes