
Moderate the Audit Climate

Research administrators work in a world of constant and continuous audits by various Federal OIGs. These are in addition to the ongoing annual "A-133" audits designed to attest to our having systems and procedures in place to provide proper stewardship over Federal funds under our purview. The OIG audits have been extremely aggressive and are characterized by initial allegations of wrongdoing, high cost disallowances, ...more »

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67 votes


Limit premature release of federal audit reports

Limit the public release of federal audit reports until they have been validated through audit resolution. Since universities are reputation-based organizations, great harm can result from premature release of audit reports that are later found to be out of step with agency policy. In addition, and as a result of some universities efforts to be 100% compliant, premature release of audit reports can result in the enactment ...more »

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38 votes


General comment

I am surprised more people haven't been commenting or making suggestions. Do you think it might be due to the fact that most of us are so busy with our jobs, lacking funds, burnt out and trying to pick up pieces of pie because we are spending our own time working and ignoring everything else? Our jobs have become so complicated with reporting and regulations that we don't have time to take care of the people and partners ...more »

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24 votes


Raise the Questioned Cost Threshold Above $25,000

The OMB Compliance Supplement for the Single Audit increased the threshold for known or likely questioned costs from $10,000 to $25,000. Princeton University suggests that consideration should be given for a threshold higher than $25,000, particularly when extrapolation could occur throughout the rest of the organization. An alternative solution would be to make the threshold related to a percentage of expenditures ...more »

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10 votes


True single audit

1. Achieve a true single audit. IHEs are still subject to multiple audits of their individual programs and compliance processes, despite the Single Audit Act of 1984, OMB Circular A-133 and 2CFR-200 Uniform Guidance which mandate single audits for non-federal entities that receive federal funding. The University is subject to a major compliance audit, desk audits and program audits each year.

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5 votes


True single audit

1. Achieve a true single audit. IHEs are still subject to multiple audits of their individual programs and compliance processes, despite the Single Audit Act of 1984, OMB Circular A-133 and 2CFR-200 Uniform Guidance which mandate single audits for non-federal entities that receive federal funding. The University is subject to a major compliance audit, desk audits and program audits each year.

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0 votes