
Pre-Compliance Standard at Submission

PIs at Princeton University spend a large amount of their time during proposal preparation on compliance approvals. One recommendation would be for the federal government to impose a pre-compliance standard at submission, which could include a document from the sponsored research office listing areas where they know that strict compliance has not been met. The compliance can then be fully implemented once/if the proposal ...more »

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Effort Reporting

Effort Reporting should be incorporated into the progress reports. some sponsors want person months and descriptions of person(s) tasks.

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True single audit

1. Achieve a true single audit. IHEs are still subject to multiple audits of their individual programs and compliance processes, despite the Single Audit Act of 1984, OMB Circular A-133 and 2CFR-200 Uniform Guidance which mandate single audits for non-federal entities that receive federal funding. The University is subject to a major compliance audit, desk audits and program audits each year.

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Allow institution-approval of personnel cost category adjustment

The grant period usually does not match with the term of a graduate student or a post-doc exactly. Therefore, if one allows institution to approve the budget re-allocation between graduate students and post-docs, instead of seeking approval from funding agency, that will make research go more smoothly based on the need of individual project.

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