Subchapter E - GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Defense Federal Acquisition RegulationDefense Federal Acquisition RegulationPart 227 - PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTSSubpart 227.3 - PATENT RIGHTS UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS227.303 Contract clauses.227.304 Procedures.227.304-1 General.Subpart 227.4 - RIGHTS IN DATA AND COPYRIGHTS227.400 Scope of subpart.Subpart 227.6 - FOREIGN LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS227.670 Scope.227.671 General.227.672 Policy.227.673 Foreign license and technical assistance agreements between the Government and domestic concerns.227.674 Supply contracts between the Government and a foreign government or concern.227.675 Foreign license and technical assistance agreements between a domestic concern and a foreign government or concern.227.675-1 International Traffic in Arms Regulations.227.675-2 Review of agreements.227.676 Foreign patent interchange agreements.Subpart 227.70 - INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS, LICENSES, AND ASSIGNMENTS227.7000 Scope.227.7001 Policy.227.7002 Statutes pertaining to administrative claims of infringement.227.7003 Claims for copyright infringement.227.7004 Requirements for filing an administrative claim for patent infringement.227.7005 Indirect notice of patent infringement claims.227.7006 Investigation and administrative disposition of claims.227.7007 Notification and disclosure to claimants.227.7008 Settlement of indemnified claims.227.7009 Patent releases, license agreements, and assignments.227.7009-1 Required clauses.227.7009-2 Clauses to be used when applicable.227.7009-3 Additional clauses—contracts except running royalty contracts.227.7009-4 Additional clauses—contracts providing for payment of a running royalty.227.7010 Assignments.227.7011 Procurement of rights in inventions, patents, and copyrights.227.7012 Contract format.227.7013 Recordation.Subpart 227.71 - TECHNICAL DATA AND ASSOCIATED RIGHTS227.7100 Scope of subpart.227.7101 Definitions.227.7102 Commercial products, commercial, components, commercial services, or commercial processes.227.7102-1 Policy.227.7102-2 Rights in technical data.227.7102-3 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.227.7102-4 Contract clauses.227.7103 Other than commercial products, commercial services, or commercial processes.227.7103-1 Policy.227.7103-2 Acquisition of technical data.227.7103-3 Early identification of technical data to be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, reproduction, or disclosure.227.7103-4 License rights.227.7103-5 Government rights.227.7103-6 Contract clauses.227.7103-7 Use and nondisclosure agreement.227.7103-8 Deferred delivery and deferred ordering of technical data.227.7103-9 Copyright.227.7103-10 Contractor identification and marking of technical data to be furnished with restrictive markings.227.7103-11 Contractor procedures and records.227.7103-12 Government right to establish conformity of markings.227.7103-13 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.227.7103-14 Conformity, acceptance, and warranty of technical data.227.7103-15 Subcontractor rights in technical data.227.7103-16 Providing technical data to foreign governments, foreign contractors, or international organizations.227.7103-17 Overseas contracts with foreign sources.227.7104 Contracts under the Small Business Innovation Research Program and Small Business Technology Transfer Program.227.7104-1 Policy.227.7104-2 Rights in SBIR or STTR data.227.7104-3 STTR program requirements.227.7104-4 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.227.7105 Contracts for the acquisition of existing works.227.7105-1 General.227.7105-2 Acquisition of existing works without modification.227.7105-3 Acquisition of modified existing works.227.7106 Contracts for special works.227.7107 Contracts for architect-engineer services.227.7107-1 Architectural designs and data clauses for architect-engineer or construction contracts.227.7107-2 Contracts for construction supplies and research and development work.227.7107-3 Approval of restricted designs.227.7108 Contractor data repositories.Subpart 227.72 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE, COMPUTER SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION, AND ASSOCIATED RIGHTS227.7200 Scope of subpart.227.7201 Definitions.227.7202 Commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation.227.7202-1 Policy.227.7202-2 Reserved.227.7202-3 Rights in commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation.227.7202-4 Contract clause.227.7203 Other than commercial computer software and other than commercial computer software documentation.227.7203-1 Policy.227.7203-2 Acquisition of other than commercial computer software and computer software documentation and associated rights.227.7203-3 Early identification of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, reproduction, or disclosure.227.7203-4 License rights.227.7203-5 Government rights.227.7203-6 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.227.7203-8 Deferred delivery and deferred ordering of computer software and computer software documentation.227.7203-9 Copyright.227.7203-10 Contractor identification and marking of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished with restrictive markings.227.7203-11 Contractor procedures and records.227.7203-12 Government right to establish conformity of markings.227.7203-13 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.227.7203-14 Conformity, acceptance, and warranty of computer software and computer software documentation.227.7203-15 Subcontractor rights in computer software or computer software documentation.227.7203-16 Providing computer software or computer software documentation to foreign governments, foreign contractors, or international organizations.227.7203-17 Overseas contracts with foreign sources.227.7204 Contracts under the Small Business Innovation Research Program.227.7205 Contracts for special works.227.7206 Contracts for architect-engineer services.227.7207 Contractor data repositories.Part 228 - BONDS AND INSURANCESubpart 228.1 - BONDS AND OTHERFINANCIAL PROTECTIONS228.102 Performance and payment bonds and alternative payment protections for construction contracts.228.102-1 General.228.102-70 Defense Environmental Restoration Program construction contracts.228.105 Other types of bonds.228.106 Administration.228.106-7 Withholding contract payments.Subpart 228.3 - INSURANCE228.304 Risk-pooling arrangements.228.305 Overseas workers' compensation and war-hazard insurance.228.307 Insurance under cost-reimbursement contracts.228.307-1 Group insurance plans.228.311 Solicitation provision and contract clause on liability insurance under cost-reimbursement contracts.228.311-1 Contract clause.228.370 Ground and flight risk.228.370-1 Definitions.228.370-2 General.228.370-3 Aircraft not owned by or to be delivered to the Government.228.371 Additional clauses.Part 229 - TAXESSubpart 229.1 - GENERAL229.101 Resolving tax problems.229.170 Reporting of foreign taxation on U.S. assistance programs.229.170-1 Definition.229.170-2 Policy.229.170-3 Reports.229.170-4 Contract clause.Subpart 229.2 - FEDERAL EXCISE TAXES229.204 Federal excise tax on specific foreign contract payments.Subpart 229.4 - CONTRACT CLAUSES229.402 Foreign contracts.229.402-70 Additional provisions and clauses.Subpart 229.70 - SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR OVERSEAS CONTRACTSPart 230 - COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDSSubpart 230.2 - CAS PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS230.201 Contract requirements.230.201-5 Waiver.Subpart 230.70 - ReservedSubpart 230.71 - ReservedPart 231 - CONTRACT COST PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURESSubpart 231.1 - APPLICABILITY231.100 Scope of subpart.231.100-70 Contract clause.Subpart 231.2 - CONTRACTS WITH COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS231.205 Selected costs.231.205-1 Public relations and advertising costs.231.205-6 Compensation for personal services.231.205-18 Independent research and development and bid and proposal costs.231.205-19 Insurance and indemnification.231.205-22 Lobbying and political activity costs.231.205-70 External restructuring costs.231.205-71 Costs related to counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts.Subpart 231.3 - CONTRACTS WITH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS231.303 Requirements.Subpart 231.6 - CONTRACTS WITH STATE, LOCAL, AND FEDERALLY231.603 Requirements.Subpart 231.7 - CONTRACTS WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS231.703 Requirements.Part 232 - CONTRACT FINANCING232.001 Definitions.232.006 Reduction or suspension of contract payments upon finding of fraud.232.006-5 Reporting.232.007 Contract financing payments.232.009 Providing accelerated payments to small business contractors and to prime contractors that subcontractors with a small business concern.232.009-1 General.232.070 Responsibilities.232.071 Reserved.232.072 Financial responsibility of contractors.232.072-1 Required financial reviews.232.072-2 Appropriate information.232.072-3 Cash flow forecasts.Subpart 232.1 - FINANCING FOR OTHER THAN A COMMERCIAL PURCHASE232.102 Description of contract financing methods.232.102-70 Provisional delivery payments.232.104 Providing contract financing.Subpart 232.2 - COMMERCIAL PRODUCT AND COMMERCIAL SERVICE PURCHASE FINANCING232.202 RESERVED232.202-4 Security for Government financing.232.206 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 232.3 - LOAN GUARANTEES FOR DEFENSE PRODUCTION232.302 Authority.Subpart 232.4 - ADVANCE PAYMENTS FOR OTHER THAN COMMERCIAL ACQUISITIONS232.404 Exclusions.232.409 Contracting officer action.232.409-1 Recommendation for approval.232.410 Findings, determination, and authorization.232.412 Contract clause.232.412-70 Additional clauses.232.470 Advance payment pool.Subpart 232.5 - PROGRESS PAYMENTS BASED ON COSTS232.501 General.232.501-1 Customary progress payment rates.232.501-2 Unusual progress payments.232.501-3 Contract price.232.502 Preaward matters.232.502-4 Contract clauses.232.502-4-70 Additional clauses.232.503 Postaward matters.232.503-6 Suspension or reduction of payments.232.503-15 Application of Government title terms.Subpart 232.6 - CONTRACT DEBTS232.602 Responsibilities.232.603 Debt determination.232.604 Demand for payment.232.610 Compromising debts.232.611 Contract clause.232.670 Transfer of responsibility for debt collection.232.671 Bankruptcy reporting.Subpart 232.7 - CONTRACT FUNDING232.702 Policy.232.703 Contract funding requirements.232.703-1 General.232.703-3 Contracts crossing fiscal years.232.703-70 Military construction appropriations act restriction.232.704 Limitation of cost or funds.232.704-70 Incrementally funded fixed-price contracts.232.706 Contract clauses.232.706-70 Clause for limitation of Governments obligation.Subpart 232.8 - ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS232.803 Policies.232.805 Procedure.232.806 Contract clauses.Subpart 232.9 - PROMPT PAYMENT232.901 Applicability.232.903 Responsibilities.232.904 Determining payment due dates.232.905 Payment documentation and process.232.906 Making payments.232.908 Contract clauses.Subpart 232.10 - PERFORMANCE-BASED PAYMENTS232.1001 Policy.232.1003 Reserved.232.1003-70 Criteria for use.232.1004 Procedures.232.1005 Reserved.232.1005-70 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 232.11 - ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER232.1108 Payment by Governmentwide commercial purchase card.232.1108-70 Prohibition of Governmentwide commercial purchase card as a method of payment when the tax on certain foreign procurements applies.232.1110 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 232.70 - ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION AND PROCESSING OF PAYMENT REQUESTS AND RECEIVING REPORTS232.7000 Scope of subpart.232.7001 Definitions.232.7002 Policy.232.7003 Procedures.232.7004 Contract clauses.Subpart 232.71 - LEVIES ON CONTRACT PAYMENTS232.7100 Scope of subpart.232.7101 Policy and procedures.232.7102 Contract clause.Subpart 232.72 - ReservedPart 233 - PROTESTS, DISPUTES, AND APPEALSSubpart 233.1 - PROTESTS233.102 General.233.104 Protests to GAO.233.170 Briefing requirement for protested acquisitions valued at $1 billion or more.233.171 Reporting requirement for protests of solicitations or awards.Subpart 233.2 - DISPUTES AND APPEALS233.204 RESERVED233.204-70 Limitations on payment.233.210 Contracting officer's authority.233.215 Contract clauses.233.215-70 Additional contract clause.
Subchapter E - GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Defense Federal Acquisition RegulationDefense Federal Acquisition RegulationPart 227 - PATENTS, DATA, AND COPYRIGHTSSubpart 227.3 - PATENT RIGHTS UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS227.303 Contract clauses.227.304 Procedures.227.304-1 General.Subpart 227.4 - RIGHTS IN DATA AND COPYRIGHTS227.400 Scope of subpart.Subpart 227.6 - FOREIGN LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS227.670 Scope.227.671 General.227.672 Policy.227.673 Foreign license and technical assistance agreements between the Government and domestic concerns.227.674 Supply contracts between the Government and a foreign government or concern.227.675 Foreign license and technical assistance agreements between a domestic concern and a foreign government or concern.227.675-1 International Traffic in Arms Regulations.227.675-2 Review of agreements.227.676 Foreign patent interchange agreements.Subpart 227.70 - INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS, LICENSES, AND ASSIGNMENTS227.7000 Scope.227.7001 Policy.227.7002 Statutes pertaining to administrative claims of infringement.227.7003 Claims for copyright infringement.227.7004 Requirements for filing an administrative claim for patent infringement.227.7005 Indirect notice of patent infringement claims.227.7006 Investigation and administrative disposition of claims.227.7007 Notification and disclosure to claimants.227.7008 Settlement of indemnified claims.227.7009 Patent releases, license agreements, and assignments.227.7009-1 Required clauses.227.7009-2 Clauses to be used when applicable.227.7009-3 Additional clauses—contracts except running royalty contracts.227.7009-4 Additional clauses—contracts providing for payment of a running royalty.227.7010 Assignments.227.7011 Procurement of rights in inventions, patents, and copyrights.227.7012 Contract format.227.7013 Recordation.Subpart 227.71 - TECHNICAL DATA AND ASSOCIATED RIGHTS227.7100 Scope of subpart.227.7101 Definitions.227.7102 Commercial products, commercial, components, commercial services, or commercial processes.227.7102-1 Policy.227.7102-2 Rights in technical data.227.7102-3 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.227.7102-4 Contract clauses.227.7103 Other than commercial products, commercial services, or commercial processes.227.7103-1 Policy.227.7103-2 Acquisition of technical data.227.7103-3 Early identification of technical data to be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, reproduction, or disclosure.227.7103-4 License rights.227.7103-5 Government rights.227.7103-6 Contract clauses.227.7103-7 Use and nondisclosure agreement.227.7103-8 Deferred delivery and deferred ordering of technical data.227.7103-9 Copyright.227.7103-10 Contractor identification and marking of technical data to be furnished with restrictive markings.227.7103-11 Contractor procedures and records.227.7103-12 Government right to establish conformity of markings.227.7103-13 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.227.7103-14 Conformity, acceptance, and warranty of technical data.227.7103-15 Subcontractor rights in technical data.227.7103-16 Providing technical data to foreign governments, foreign contractors, or international organizations.227.7103-17 Overseas contracts with foreign sources.227.7104 Contracts under the Small Business Innovation Research Program and Small Business Technology Transfer Program.227.7104-1 Policy.227.7104-2 Rights in SBIR or STTR data.227.7104-3 STTR program requirements.227.7104-4 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.227.7105 Contracts for the acquisition of existing works.227.7105-1 General.227.7105-2 Acquisition of existing works without modification.227.7105-3 Acquisition of modified existing works.227.7106 Contracts for special works.227.7107 Contracts for architect-engineer services.227.7107-1 Architectural designs and data clauses for architect-engineer or construction contracts.227.7107-2 Contracts for construction supplies and research and development work.227.7107-3 Approval of restricted designs.227.7108 Contractor data repositories.Subpart 227.72 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE, COMPUTER SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION, AND ASSOCIATED RIGHTS227.7200 Scope of subpart.227.7201 Definitions.227.7202 Commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation.227.7202-1 Policy.227.7202-2 Reserved.227.7202-3 Rights in commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation.227.7202-4 Contract clause.227.7203 Other than commercial computer software and other than commercial computer software documentation.227.7203-1 Policy.227.7203-2 Acquisition of other than commercial computer software and computer software documentation and associated rights.227.7203-3 Early identification of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, reproduction, or disclosure.227.7203-4 License rights.227.7203-5 Government rights.227.7203-6 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.227.7203-8 Deferred delivery and deferred ordering of computer software and computer software documentation.227.7203-9 Copyright.227.7203-10 Contractor identification and marking of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished with restrictive markings.227.7203-11 Contractor procedures and records.227.7203-12 Government right to establish conformity of markings.227.7203-13 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.227.7203-14 Conformity, acceptance, and warranty of computer software and computer software documentation.227.7203-15 Subcontractor rights in computer software or computer software documentation.227.7203-16 Providing computer software or computer software documentation to foreign governments, foreign contractors, or international organizations.227.7203-17 Overseas contracts with foreign sources.227.7204 Contracts under the Small Business Innovation Research Program.227.7205 Contracts for special works.227.7206 Contracts for architect-engineer services.227.7207 Contractor data repositories.Part 228 - BONDS AND INSURANCESubpart 228.1 - BONDS AND OTHERFINANCIAL PROTECTIONS228.102 Performance and payment bonds and alternative payment protections for construction contracts.228.102-1 General.228.102-70 Defense Environmental Restoration Program construction contracts.228.105 Other types of bonds.228.106 Administration.228.106-7 Withholding contract payments.Subpart 228.3 - INSURANCE228.304 Risk-pooling arrangements.228.305 Overseas workers' compensation and war-hazard insurance.228.307 Insurance under cost-reimbursement contracts.228.307-1 Group insurance plans.228.311 Solicitation provision and contract clause on liability insurance under cost-reimbursement contracts.228.311-1 Contract clause.228.370 Ground and flight risk.228.370-1 Definitions.228.370-2 General.228.370-3 Aircraft not owned by or to be delivered to the Government.228.371 Additional clauses.Part 229 - TAXESSubpart 229.1 - GENERAL229.101 Resolving tax problems.229.170 Reporting of foreign taxation on U.S. assistance programs.229.170-1 Definition.229.170-2 Policy.229.170-3 Reports.229.170-4 Contract clause.Subpart 229.2 - FEDERAL EXCISE TAXES229.204 Federal excise tax on specific foreign contract payments.Subpart 229.4 - CONTRACT CLAUSES229.402 Foreign contracts.229.402-70 Additional provisions and clauses.Subpart 229.70 - SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR OVERSEAS CONTRACTSPart 230 - COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDSSubpart 230.2 - CAS PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS230.201 Contract requirements.230.201-5 Waiver.Subpart 230.70 - ReservedSubpart 230.71 - ReservedPart 231 - CONTRACT COST PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURESSubpart 231.1 - APPLICABILITY231.100 Scope of subpart.231.100-70 Contract clause.Subpart 231.2 - CONTRACTS WITH COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS231.205 Selected costs.231.205-1 Public relations and advertising costs.231.205-6 Compensation for personal services.231.205-18 Independent research and development and bid and proposal costs.231.205-19 Insurance and indemnification.231.205-22 Lobbying and political activity costs.231.205-70 External restructuring costs.231.205-71 Costs related to counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts.Subpart 231.3 - CONTRACTS WITH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS231.303 Requirements.Subpart 231.6 - CONTRACTS WITH STATE, LOCAL, AND FEDERALLY231.603 Requirements.Subpart 231.7 - CONTRACTS WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS231.703 Requirements.Part 232 - CONTRACT FINANCING232.001 Definitions.232.006 Reduction or suspension of contract payments upon finding of fraud.232.006-5 Reporting.232.007 Contract financing payments.232.009 Providing accelerated payments to small business contractors and to prime contractors that subcontractors with a small business concern.232.009-1 General.232.070 Responsibilities.232.071 Reserved.232.072 Financial responsibility of contractors.232.072-1 Required financial reviews.232.072-2 Appropriate information.232.072-3 Cash flow forecasts.Subpart 232.1 - FINANCING FOR OTHER THAN A COMMERCIAL PURCHASE232.102 Description of contract financing methods.232.102-70 Provisional delivery payments.232.104 Providing contract financing.Subpart 232.2 - COMMERCIAL PRODUCT AND COMMERCIAL SERVICE PURCHASE FINANCING232.202 RESERVED232.202-4 Security for Government financing.232.206 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 232.3 - LOAN GUARANTEES FOR DEFENSE PRODUCTION232.302 Authority.Subpart 232.4 - ADVANCE PAYMENTS FOR OTHER THAN COMMERCIAL ACQUISITIONS232.404 Exclusions.232.409 Contracting officer action.232.409-1 Recommendation for approval.232.410 Findings, determination, and authorization.232.412 Contract clause.232.412-70 Additional clauses.232.470 Advance payment pool.Subpart 232.5 - PROGRESS PAYMENTS BASED ON COSTS232.501 General.232.501-1 Customary progress payment rates.232.501-2 Unusual progress payments.232.501-3 Contract price.232.502 Preaward matters.232.502-4 Contract clauses.232.502-4-70 Additional clauses.232.503 Postaward matters.232.503-6 Suspension or reduction of payments.232.503-15 Application of Government title terms.Subpart 232.6 - CONTRACT DEBTS232.602 Responsibilities.232.603 Debt determination.232.604 Demand for payment.232.610 Compromising debts.232.611 Contract clause.232.670 Transfer of responsibility for debt collection.232.671 Bankruptcy reporting.Subpart 232.7 - CONTRACT FUNDING232.702 Policy.232.703 Contract funding requirements.232.703-1 General.232.703-3 Contracts crossing fiscal years.232.703-70 Military construction appropriations act restriction.232.704 Limitation of cost or funds.232.704-70 Incrementally funded fixed-price contracts.232.706 Contract clauses.232.706-70 Clause for limitation of Governments obligation.Subpart 232.8 - ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS232.803 Policies.232.805 Procedure.232.806 Contract clauses.Subpart 232.9 - PROMPT PAYMENT232.901 Applicability.232.903 Responsibilities.232.904 Determining payment due dates.232.905 Payment documentation and process.232.906 Making payments.232.908 Contract clauses.Subpart 232.10 - PERFORMANCE-BASED PAYMENTS232.1001 Policy.232.1003 Reserved.232.1003-70 Criteria for use.232.1004 Procedures.232.1005 Reserved.232.1005-70 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 232.11 - ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER232.1108 Payment by Governmentwide commercial purchase card.232.1108-70 Prohibition of Governmentwide commercial purchase card as a method of payment when the tax on certain foreign procurements applies.232.1110 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 232.70 - ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION AND PROCESSING OF PAYMENT REQUESTS AND RECEIVING REPORTS232.7000 Scope of subpart.232.7001 Definitions.232.7002 Policy.232.7003 Procedures.232.7004 Contract clauses.Subpart 232.71 - LEVIES ON CONTRACT PAYMENTS232.7100 Scope of subpart.232.7101 Policy and procedures.232.7102 Contract clause.Subpart 232.72 - ReservedPart 233 - PROTESTS, DISPUTES, AND APPEALSSubpart 233.1 - PROTESTS233.102 General.233.104 Protests to GAO.233.170 Briefing requirement for protested acquisitions valued at $1 billion or more.233.171 Reporting requirement for protests of solicitations or awards.Subpart 233.2 - DISPUTES AND APPEALS233.204 RESERVED233.204-70 Limitations on payment.233.210 Contracting officer's authority.233.215 Contract clauses.233.215-70 Additional contract clause.