
Adopt a two-stage proposal process

In at least some areas of NSF there is a two-stage proposal process: A short preliminary proposal goes to an initial screening. If it passes that initial screening then a full proposal must be written. I would propose that NEH adopt this process as well. Given the intense competition for NEH grants, with a success rate hovering around 15%, although for the most competitive grants it’s about 6%. Writing grants is a ...more »

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7 votes


PSC: Eliminate Service Contract Inventory Reporting Requirements

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires federal service contractors to report their direct labor hours and amounts invoiced to the government. This mandate is intended to help federal agencies fulfill their annual requirement to submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) an inventory of activities performed by service contractors, in order to help determine whether agencies have the right balance of ...more »

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7 votes


PSC: Roll Back Executive Compensation Reporting

Based on the lack of any perceptible value for the agencies or the public, we recommend that Congress repeal the mandate for reporting on executive compensation and that the FAR Council subsequently revise the relevant contract clauses. Doing so will save millions of dollars and liberate additional contractor and government resources to focus on what matters most—achieving the missions of the federal government and serving ...more »

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4 votes


IRB and IACUC Review

2. Eliminate Two Layer IRB and IACUC Review of Human and Vertebrate Animal Research - Institutions receiving federal funds for research with human subjects or vertebrate animals are required to maintain a Federal-wide Assurance (FWA) or Animal Welfare Assurance (AWA) with the DHHS Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) or Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), respectively. Institutions thereby accept the responsibility ...more »

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2 votes


PSC: Reduce Small Business Subcontracting Reporting Burden

The FAR requires semi-annual submission of Individual Subcontract Reports (ISRs) for all federal agencies, as well as Summary Subcontract Reports (SSRs) for DoD and NASA, and annual submission of SSRs for civilian agencies. In addition to the submissions required during performance of a covered contract, ISRs are required to be submitted within 30 days of contract completion. Amending the FAR, at a minimum, and the ...more »

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2 votes