
Establish consistent requirements for disclosure of FCOI

Since the implementation of the PHS requirements for disclosure of potential financial conflicts of interest for all key personnel at the time of proposal, this has been one of the most burdensome requirements for Faculty and staff at the University of Chicago. Last year alone we were required to obtain over 5,000 disclosures of financial interests before PHS proposals could be submitted, while only 115 of those disclosures ...more »

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83 votes


Make Conflict of Interest policies consistent across agencies

Since the publication of the Uniform Guidance UG), institutions have seen various Conflict of Interest (COI) terms and conditions embedded within broad agency announcements and proposal solicitations, despite the lack of formal agency-wide policies or guidelines in most cases. The specific requirements for what financial interests and relationships need to be disclosed, the nature and timing of reviews, and even definitions ...more »

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139 votes


Require Agencies to Adopt Common Research Terms and Conditions

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that OMB require Federal agencies to adopt common research terms and conditions. We believe NSF, NIH, USDA NIFA, NIST, NOAA, DOE, FAA, EPA and NASA are creating common RTCs, but other agencies have opted out. Clear and consistent data definitions are also needed. Not all federal agencies are signing on to federal-wide research terms and conditions for federal awards under the Uniform Guidance ...more »

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297 votes