
*To participate in the dialogue, you can submit a new idea by clicking "Submit New Idea" to the right, or you can vote and comment on existing ideas below.

Grants practices and processes
Key Participants: grantees, cooperative agreement holders, subgrantees

  • Question: If you could change one thing that would ease your reporting burden associated with your grants or subgrants, what would it be (e.g., time, cost, resource burden)?
  • Question: If you have reporting requirements to the Federal government, how are those met? (feel free to be specific about what is reported to whom and through what mechanism)
  • Question: If you could create a central reporting portal into which you could submit all required reports, what capabilities/functions would you include?

OMB circular A-133:

  • Question: If you could make a change to ease your reporting burden for audits under the Single Audit Act (i.e., audits required by OMB Circular A-133 which is being replaced by the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Subpart F), what one thing would you change about reporting by the auditee?
  • Question: If you could make a change to ease your reporting burden for audits under the Single Audit Act (i.e., audits required by OMB Circular A-133 which is being replaced by the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Subpart F), what one thing would you change about reporting by the auditor?
  • Question: If you could make a change to ease your reporting burden for audits under the Single Audit Act (i.e., audits required by OMB Circular A-133 which is being replaced by the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Subpart F), what one thing would you change about reporting to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse?

Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200):

  • Question: Are there requirements in the new 2 CFR 200 that need additional clarification for improved implementation with reduced administrative burden ?
  • Question: What are the perceived burdens associated with the new standards such as the documentation of salaries & wages and time & effort (2 CFR 200.430), subrecipient monitoring (2 CFR 200.331), procurement standards (2 CFR 200.317- 2 CFR 200.324)?
  • Question: How can the administrative burden associated with standards compliance be lowered?


Eliminate Prime Recipient Monitoring of Subs Subject to Audit

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that OMB clarify that where a subrecipient has a current Single Audit report, prime recipients can rely on the subrecipient’s auditors and cognizant agency oversight for routine audit follow-up and management decisions. Science is engendering an increased number of collaborative projects, resulting in significant growth in the number of subawards issued and received by institutions of higher ...more »

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284 votes


Raise the Micropurchase Threshold to $10,000

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that OMB raise the micropurchase threshold from $3,000 to $10,000 to reflect current practices. As data supports a higher threshold, OMB should consider future adjustments. The UG has introduced a category known as “Micro-Purchases,” defined as purchase transactions up to $3,000, below which there is no requirement to document competition. This was not included in the proposed guidance so ...more »

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296 votes


Require Agencies to Adopt Common Research Terms and Conditions

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that OMB require Federal agencies to adopt common research terms and conditions. We believe NSF, NIH, USDA NIFA, NIST, NOAA, DOE, FAA, EPA and NASA are creating common RTCs, but other agencies have opted out. Clear and consistent data definitions are also needed. Not all federal agencies are signing on to federal-wide research terms and conditions for federal awards under the Uniform Guidance ...more »

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297 votes