
Frequency of reports

There is much redundancy in the current reporting. Suggest the following: 1) one annual Progress Report 2) Performance Measure surveys ONLY to be done ONCE in the 3 year grant period 3) when submitting renewal grants if the workplans are not changes have a box to simply check that off. 4) same for budgets 5) Accessability and Site Safety checks only to be done ONCE in the 3 year grant period and reflected in the MOU. ...more »

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79 votes


Remove duplicate reporting

Currently, the submission to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse requires a PDF file (Single Audit Reporting Package/Audit Report Package) in addition to some of the same data provided in Form SF-SAC. Since all of the components of the Single Audit Reporting Package are posted on websites, I suggest we provide links to these documents rather than create a PDF of all of the documents. In addition, the format we use for our ...more »

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107 votes


Eliminate Quarterly Financial Reports

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that agencies eliminate quarterly financial reports once they have transitioned to subaccounts. Institutions draw down cash by award accounts on a regular basis, typically monthly. This provides agencies with up-to-date financial information and renders additional financial reports unnecessary. Agencies should also consider whether there is a need for annual and final financial reports and ...more »

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247 votes