
Consistent Uniform Guidance Interpretation Across Agencies

Princeton University submits that the Uniform Guidance benefits higher education institutions in many ways, but only so long as the federal awarding agencies interpret the rules of the Uniform Guidance consistently. The following captures a few areas where consistency is needed: A. Sections 200.203(a)(5), Notice of funding opportunities (CFDA Numbers), and 200.301, Performance measurement – neither of these sections ...more »

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54 votes


Moderate the Audit Climate

Research administrators work in a world of constant and continuous audits by various Federal OIGs. These are in addition to the ongoing annual "A-133" audits designed to attest to our having systems and procedures in place to provide proper stewardship over Federal funds under our purview. The OIG audits have been extremely aggressive and are characterized by initial allegations of wrongdoing, high cost disallowances, ...more »

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67 votes


Frequency of reports

There is much redundancy in the current reporting. Suggest the following: 1) one annual Progress Report 2) Performance Measure surveys ONLY to be done ONCE in the 3 year grant period 3) when submitting renewal grants if the workplans are not changes have a box to simply check that off. 4) same for budgets 5) Accessability and Site Safety checks only to be done ONCE in the 3 year grant period and reflected in the MOU. ...more »

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79 votes


Establish consistent requirements for disclosure of FCOI

Since the implementation of the PHS requirements for disclosure of potential financial conflicts of interest for all key personnel at the time of proposal, this has been one of the most burdensome requirements for Faculty and staff at the University of Chicago. Last year alone we were required to obtain over 5,000 disclosures of financial interests before PHS proposals could be submitted, while only 115 of those disclosures ...more »

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83 votes


Remove duplicate reporting

Currently, the submission to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse requires a PDF file (Single Audit Reporting Package/Audit Report Package) in addition to some of the same data provided in Form SF-SAC. Since all of the components of the Single Audit Reporting Package are posted on websites, I suggest we provide links to these documents rather than create a PDF of all of the documents. In addition, the format we use for our ...more »

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107 votes


Make Conflict of Interest policies consistent across agencies

Since the publication of the Uniform Guidance UG), institutions have seen various Conflict of Interest (COI) terms and conditions embedded within broad agency announcements and proposal solicitations, despite the lack of formal agency-wide policies or guidelines in most cases. The specific requirements for what financial interests and relationships need to be disclosed, the nature and timing of reviews, and even definitions ...more »

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139 votes


Clarify Conflict of Interest Regulations in the Uniform Guidance

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that OMB clarify the conflict of interest regulations in section 200.112 of the Uniform Guidance. OMB should make a technical correction to the UG, removing “selection of a subrecipient” to clarify that the intent of the regulations is to address conflicts that might arise around how a non-Federal entity expends funds under a Federal award and not to individual financial interests and work ...more »

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194 votes


Eliminate the DS-2 Requirement for IHEs

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that OMB eliminate the DS-2 requirement for institutions of higher education. The DS-2 is a document setting forth an institution’s accounting practices with regard to federal funds that requires approval by the institution’s cognizant agency for indirect costs. It is a transposition of accounting policies and practices that are already documented elsewhere, usually on an institution’s website ...more »

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202 votes


Explore Optional Use of Alternatives to Time and Effort

AAU, COGR, and APLU recommend that OMB and federal research funding agencies and/or cognizant agencies work with the research community to explore the optional use of alternatives to measures of time as a means of assessing proper use of federal funds (e.g., information provided in progress reports and publications as an alternative to documenting personnel charges) as well as means of reducing reporting requirements. ...more »

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213 votes


Clarify in regs that Personal Activity Reports are not required

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that OMB clarify in regulation that personal activity reports are not required under the Uniform Guidance (UG); that awardees do not have to certify payroll expenses; and that cognizant agency approval is not needed to implement alternatives to effort reporting that meet the UG standards of documentation. The Uniform Guidance provides institutions with increased flexibility to document ...more »

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230 votes