
Better Entity Classifications

Comment from June 10 Data Act Summit breakout session on Recipient Reporting:

I’m interested in Entity Classifications- better classifications, better utilization of existing classifications. I want to, for example, be able to look in and analyze the dollars going to non-profits.

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6 votes


Remove duplicate reporting

Currently, the submission to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse requires a PDF file (Single Audit Reporting Package/Audit Report Package) in addition to some of the same data provided in Form SF-SAC. Since all of the components of the Single Audit Reporting Package are posted on websites, I suggest we provide links to these documents rather than create a PDF of all of the documents. In addition, the format we use for our ...more »

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107 votes


Duplicate vs unduplicate: number of individuals served

Do the feds have a formula they want us to use when reporting on partner stations that DO NOT collect unduplicated individuals served? Every year we run up against this issue and how to dissect a number of all served, usually duplicated, to how that breaks down as far as number of individuals served by RSVP volunteers.

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4 votes