3. Small Business Participation

Need More NAICS Opportunities for WOSBs

I noticed there are not a lot of different opportunities available for WOSBs across various NAICS codes. I receive alerts from FBO for my NAICS codes. However, I haven't received many that are set aside for WOSBs. There needs to be more opportunities across different NAICS codes. I know there are many NAICS codes that are eligible for WOSB set aside, but I haven't seen many contracts advertised that fall under many of ...more »

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3 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Reform construction project low-bid, and LPTA awards

The FAR should reflect best practices in the private sector and many state construction (15 or so) programs by requiring prime contractors to list/name primary subcontractors in low-price award procedures (like proposed in HR 1942). Since the 1984 Competition in Contracting Act, federal agencies have run away from construction project low-bid prime contract award procedures because of the claims and disputes that were ...more »

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5 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Require that Prop Instructions are aligned with Eval Criteria

There is no reason for proposal instructions to not match evaluation criteria, which happens more often than not. This should be a required quality check for any procurement, as it will facilitate the proposal writing and the proposal evaluation process. This simple requirement will result in time and cost savings across the board.

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7 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices


Question 2: How can we reduce the cost of transactions for contractors? Answer: I recently worked for a company that allowed the employees to post their own time-card. There are too many people that are NOT trust-worthy enough (especially a very large company) to allow this to happen. We actually had to log in and log out electronically, but I heard stories of people that would enter more hours worked than they ...more »

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0 votes

3. Small Business Participation


Question 1: How can we make doing business with the government easier and less costly for small businesses, minority businesses, new entrants, and non-traditional government contractors? Answer 1: So far I have not encountered any costs with trying to start a business, because I am doing extension research first. I do see there are a lot of costs to get started. Question 2: If you are a small business, minority ...more »

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2 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Avoiding the Most Appropriate Contract Types

With the Government’s policy to restrict use of “high risk” contracts, many instances exist where the best suited contract types are not utilized. This includes cost reimbursement and time and material (T&M)/labor hour (LH) types. It is especially evident in IT development projects. In many cases such as when using Agile, T&M/LH makes sense and the insistence on fixed price either drives up cost unnecessarily and/or ...more »

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2 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Using Commercial Competition to Replace Major Failures

Issue: Major information technology (IT) investments frequently exceed original cost and schedule estimates and, in some cases, deliver very little useable capability. One key driver of these outcomes is the continued preference to develop solutions in-house rather than structure programs to allow for increased use of existing commercial solutions that can be rapidly deployed, often under firm-fixed price arrangements. ...more »

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2 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Streamline Commercial Sales Practices Reporting

One possible solution to reduce the complexity associated with commercial item acquisition would be to address the burden of providing Commercial Sales Practices ("CSP") information in response to large contract solicitations (e.g. FSS, VA National Contract, DHA E-CAT). While we acknowledge that CSPs may be helpful to enable the determination of fair and reasonable pricing, the nature and type of data requested varies ...more »

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12 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Modify Regs to Address CICA Difficulties Relating To IDIQ Orders

For IDIQ orders for services (including construction) the true competition takes place at the task order level. The unit prices established at the "umbrella" contract level are essentially meaningless to knowing what the actual cost of work is, yet CICA requires that we establish binding prices. This is particularly problematic for services, where the quantities of units can vary greatly contractor to contract, and ...more »

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4 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Reduce Administrative Burden

The FAR currently contemplates two solutions to resolve the impact of corporate acquisitions and/or reorganization on federal contractors under the Anti-Assignment Act: the Novation process and a Name Change agreement. We propose that a third avenue be established to address situations in which, due to internal restructuring, the legal entity has changed but the parent company remains the same. In these instances, ...more »

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9 votes

3. Small Business Participation

Small Businesses Responsibility

Growing small businesses and diversifying the pool of federal contractors are important goals. However, recently, there have been several highly publicized examples of small business contractors who shortchanged workers on federal jobs. While small businesses may not be able to meet all the experiential criteria that are part of the responsibility determination, there needs to be a mechanism in place to ensure that ...more »

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4 votes

3. Small Business Participation

SB Participation Q 1

If a small business has a good service or product that the federal government can use then the first two major barriers must be addressed for more participation are: 1. Cash flow for 12 -36 months to cover G&A- Fringe & Over Head depending on industry needs to be easily accessible. If a company jumps through all the hoops to become a federal contractor then to survive long enough for repeated contract awards to provide ...more »

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-1 votes