Element linklist

Namespace No namespace
Type extension of Complex Type linklist.content
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Used by
Element Group Element Group linklist
Model Element title , Element desc , ((Element linklist) | (Element link)) , Element linkinfo
Children Element desc, Element link, Element linkinfo, Element linklist, Element title
<linklist audience="" base="" CaseNumber="" class="- topic/linklist " collection-type="" conaction="" conkeyref="" conref="" conrefend="" dir="" duplicates="" format="" id="" importance="" xml:lang="" mapkeyref="" otherprops="" otherrole="" outputclass="" platform="" product="" props="" rev="" role="" scope="" spectitle="" status="" translate="" type="" Why="" xtrc="" xtrf="">
  <title base="" CaseNumber="" class="- topic/title " conaction="" conkeyref="" conref="" conrefend="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" outputclass="" rev="" translate="" Why="" xtrc="" xtrf="">{1,1}</title>
  <desc audience="" base="" CaseNumber="" class="- topic/desc " conaction="" conkeyref="" conref="" conrefend="" dir="" id="" importance="" xml:lang="" otherprops="" outputclass="" platform="" product="" props="" rev="" status="" translate="" Why="" xtrc="" xtrf="">{1,1}</desc>
  <linklist audience="" base="" CaseNumber="" class="- topic/linklist " collection-type="" conaction="" conkeyref="" conref="" conrefend="" dir="" duplicates="" format="" id="" importance="" xml:lang="" mapkeyref="" otherprops="" otherrole="" outputclass="" platform="" product="" props="" rev="" role="" scope="" spectitle="" status="" translate="" type="" Why="" xtrc="" xtrf="">{1,1}</linklist>
  <link audience="" base="" CaseNumber="" class="- topic/link " conaction="" conkeyref="" conref="" conrefend="" dir="" format="" href="" id="" importance="" keyref="" xml:lang="" otherprops="" otherrole="" outputclass="" platform="" product="" props="" query="" rev="" role="" scope="" status="" translate="" type="" Why="" xtrc="" xtrf="">{1,1}</link>
  <linkinfo audience="" base="" CaseNumber="" class="- topic/linkinfo " conaction="" conkeyref="" conref="" conrefend="" dir="" id="" importance="" xml:lang="" otherprops="" platform="" product="" props="" rev="" status="" translate="" Why="" xtrc="" xtrf="">{1,1}</linkinfo>
QName Type Default Use
Attribute Change-attrs / @CaseNumber optional
Attribute Change-attrs / @Why optional
Attribute filter-atts / @audience optional
Attribute select-atts / @base optional
Attribute linklist.attlist / @class - topic/linklist optional
Attribute linklist.attributes / @collection-type restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conaction restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conkeyref optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conref optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conrefend optional
Attribute localization-atts / @dir restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute linklist.attributes / @duplicates restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute relational-atts / @format optional
Attribute id-atts / @id xs:NMTOKEN optional
Attribute select-atts / @importance restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute linklist.attributes / @mapkeyref optional
Attribute filter-atts / @otherprops optional
Attribute relational-atts / @otherrole optional
Attribute linklist.attributes / @outputclass optional
Attribute filter-atts / @platform optional
Attribute filter-atts / @product optional
Attribute filter-atts / @props optional
Attribute select-atts / @rev optional
Attribute relational-atts / @role restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute relational-atts / @scope restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute linklist.attributes / @spectitle optional
Attribute select-atts / @status restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute localization-atts / @translate restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute relational-atts / @type optional
Attribute @xml:lang optional
Attribute global-atts / @xtrc optional
Attribute global-atts / @xtrf optional
<xs:element name="linklist">
      <xs:extension base="linklist.content">
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="linklist.attlist"/>