Attribute Group glossentry.attlist

Namespace No namespace
Attribute glossentry.attributes / @idAttribute Group conref-attsAttribute Group select-attsAttribute Group localization-attsAttribute glossentry.attributes / @outputclassAttribute Group glossentry.attributesAttribute @ditaarch:DITAArchVersionAttribute Group arch-attsAttribute glossentry.attlist / @domainsAttribute global-atts / @xtrcAttribute global-atts / @xtrfAttribute Group Change-attrsAttribute Group global-attsAttribute glossentry.attlist / @class
Used by
QName Type Default Use
Attribute Change-attrs / @CaseNumber optional
Attribute Change-attrs / @Why optional
Attribute filter-atts / @audience optional
Attribute select-atts / @base optional
Attribute glossentry.attlist / @class - topic/topic concept/concept glossentry/glossentry optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conaction restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conkeyref optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conref optional
Attribute conref-atts / @conrefend optional
Attribute localization-atts / @dir restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute @ditaarch:DITAArchVersion 1.2 optional
Attribute glossentry.attlist / @domains (topic concept) (topic concept glossentry) (topic concept glossgroup) (topic reference) (topic task) (topic hi-d) (topic ut-d) (topic indexing-d) (topic hazard-d) (topic abbrev-d) (topic pr-d) (topic sw-d) (topic ui-d) (topic task strictTaskbody-c) optional
Attribute glossentry.attributes / @id xs:ID required
Attribute select-atts / @importance restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute filter-atts / @otherprops optional
Attribute glossentry.attributes / @outputclass optional
Attribute filter-atts / @platform optional
Attribute filter-atts / @product optional
Attribute filter-atts / @props optional
Attribute select-atts / @rev optional
Attribute select-atts / @status restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute localization-atts / @translate restriction of xs:token optional
Attribute @xml:lang optional
Attribute global-atts / @xtrc optional
Attribute global-atts / @xtrf optional
<xs:attributeGroup name="glossentry.attlist">
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="glossentry.attributes"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="arch-atts"/>
  <xs:attribute name="domains" default="(topic concept)                            (topic concept glossentry)                            (topic concept glossgroup)                            (topic reference)                            (topic task)                            (topic hi-d)                             (topic ut-d)                             (topic indexing-d)                            (topic hazard-d)                            (topic abbrev-d)                            (topic pr-d)                             (topic sw-d)                            (topic ui-d)                             (topic task strictTaskbody-c)    "/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
  <xs:attribute name="class" default="- topic/topic concept/concept glossentry/glossentry "/>

Attribute glossentry.attlist / @domains

Namespace No namespace
default: (topic concept) (topic concept glossentry) (topic concept glossgroup) (topic reference) (topic task) (topic hi-d) (topic ut-d) (topic indexing-d) (topic hazard-d) (topic abbrev-d) (topic pr-d) (topic sw-d) (topic ui-d) (topic task strictTaskbody-c)
Used by
<xs:attribute name="domains" default="(topic concept)                            (topic concept glossentry)                            (topic concept glossgroup)                            (topic reference)                            (topic task)                            (topic hi-d)                             (topic ut-d)                             (topic indexing-d)                            (topic hazard-d)                            (topic abbrev-d)                            (topic pr-d)                             (topic sw-d)                            (topic ui-d)                             (topic task strictTaskbody-c)    "/>

Attribute glossentry.attlist / @class

Namespace No namespace
default: - topic/topic concept/concept glossentry/glossentry
Used by
<xs:attribute name="class" default="- topic/topic concept/concept glossentry/glossentry "/>