Subpart 518.1 - Available Acquisition Flexibilities

518.101 General.

FAR subpart 18.1 and the GSAM include many acquisition flexibilities that are available to contracting officers and other acquisition personnel when certain conditions are met. These acquisition flexibilities do not require an emergency declaration or designation of contingency operation.

518.170 Additional acquisition flexibilities.

(a) Waiver of contracting officer certification. The Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) may waive the requirement for obtaining contracting officer certification (see 501.603-1(b)(2)).

(b) Deviations, waivers, and exemptions from Contracting Officer Warrant Program (COWP) requirements. The SPE may approve deviations, waivers, and exemptions from any of the COWP requirements (see 501.603-1(d)(3)(i)(B)).

(c) Changes in warrant level thresholds. The SPE may authorize changes in warrant level thresholds (see 501.603-1(d)(3)(i)(D)).

(d) Waiver of Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) certification. The SPE may waive the requirements for FAC-COR certifications (see 501.604(d)).

(e) Waiver of Program and Project Managers (P/PM) certification. The SPE may waive the requirements for FAC-P/PM and FAC-P/PM-IT certification (see 501.671(d)).

(f) Procurement authority delegation waivers. The SPE may waive the requirement for a delegation of procurement authority to be able to place orders under a GSA multi-agency contract or GSA Governmentwide acquisition contract.

(g) Temporary appointments. HCAs may request temporary appointments in accordance with 501.603-3(b)(1). For additional information about temporary appointments refer to the Acquisition Career Management page on the GSA Acquisition Portal at