970.5232-2 Payments and advances.
As prescribed in 970.3270(a)(1), insert the following clause:
Payments and Advances [December 2024]
(a) Installments of fixed-fee. The fixed-fee payable, if applicable, under this contract shall become due and payable in periodic installments in accordance with a schedule determined by the Contracting Officer. Fixed-fee payments shall be made by direct payment or withdrawn from funds advanced or available under this contract, as determined by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer may offset against any such fee payment the amounts owed to the Government by the Contractor, including any amounts owed for disallowed costs under this contract. No fixed-fee payment may be withdrawn against the payments cleared financing arrangement without prior written approval of the Contracting Officer.
(b) Payments on Account of Allowable Costs. The Contracting Officer and the Contractor shall agree as to the extent to which payment for allowable costs or payments for other items specifically approved in writing by the Contracting Officer (for example, negotiated fixed amounts) shall be made from advances of Government funds.
(c) Timing of payments. Funds for payments of allowable costs, including payments for pension plan contributions, shall be drawn from the special financial institution account when those payments are made, not when the costs are accrued.
(d) Special financial institution account—use. All advances of Government funds shall be withdrawn pursuant to a payments cleared financing arrangement prescribed by DOE in favor of the financial institution or, at the option of the Government, shall be made by direct payment or other payment mechanism to the Contractor, and shall be deposited only in the special financial institution account referred to in the Special Financial Institution Account Agreement, which is incorporated into this contract as Appendix—“___”. The contractor will follow current procedures and requirements for establishing and managing the special financial institution account that are stated in the Department's Financial Management Handbook and relevant Department of Treasury rules.
(e) Use of the special financial institution account for unallowable costs. Government funds in the special financial institution account shall be used only for costs allowable and, if applicable, fees earned under this contract, negotiated fixed amounts, or payments for other items specifically approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.
(f) Title to funds advanced. Title to the unexpended balance of any funds advanced and of any special financial institution account established pursuant to this clause shall remain in the Government and be superior to any claim or lien of the financial institution of deposit or others. It is understood that an advance to the Contractor hereunder is not a loan to the Contractor and will not require the payment of interest by the Contractor, and that the Contractor acquires no right, title or interest in or to such advance other than the right to make expenditures therefrom, as provided in this clause.
(g) Financial settlement. The Government shall promptly pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of allowable costs (or other items specifically approved in writing by the Contracting Officer) and fee upon termination of the work, expiration of the term of the contract, or completion of the work and its acceptance by the Government after—
(1) Compliance by the Contractor with DOE's patent clearance requirements; and
(2) The furnishing by the Contractor of—
(i) An assignment of the Contractor's rights to any refunds, rebates, allowances, accounts receivable, collections accruing to the Contractor in connection with the work under this contract, or other credits applicable to allowable costs under the contract;
(ii) A closing financial statement;
(iii) The accounting for Government-owned property required by the clause entitled “Property”; and
(iv) A release discharging the Government, its officers, agents, and employees from all liabilities, obligations, and claims arising out of or under this contract subject only to the following exceptions—
(A) Specified claims in stated amounts or in estimated amounts where the amounts are not susceptible to exact statement by the Contractor;
(B) Claims, together with reasonable expenses incidental thereto, based upon liabilities of the Contractor to third parties arising out of the performance of this contract; provided that such claims are not known to the Contractor on the date of the execution of the release; and provided further that the Contractor gives notice of such claims in writing to the Contracting Officer promptly, but not more than one
(1) year after the Contractor's right of action first accrues. In addition, the Contractor shall provide prompt notice to the Contracting Officer of all potential claims under this clause, whether in litigation or not (see Contract Clause, 48 CFR 970.5228-1, Insurance—Litigation and Claims);
(C) Claims for reimbursement of costs (other than expenses of the Contractor by reason of any indemnification of the Government against patent liability), including reasonable expenses incidental thereto, incurred by the Contractor under the provisions of this contract relating to patents; and
(D) Claims recognizable under the clause entitled, Nuclear Hazards Indemnity Agreement.
(3) In arriving at the amount due the Contractor under this clause, there shall be deducted—
(i) Any claim which the Government may have against the Contractor in connection with this contract; and
(ii) Deductions due under the terms of this contract and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Government. The unliquidated balance of the special financial institution account may be applied to the amount due, and any balance shall be returned to the Government forthwith.
(h) Claims. Claims for credit against funds advanced for payment shall be accompanied by such supporting documents and justification as the Contracting Officer shall prescribe.
(i) Discounts. The Contractor shall take and afford the Government the advantage of all known and available cash and trade discounts, rebates, allowances, credits, salvage, and commissions unless the Contracting Officer finds that action is not in the best interest of the Government.
(j) Collections. All collections accruing to the Contractor in connection with the work under this contract, except for the Contractor's fee and royalties or other income accruing to the Contractor from technology transfer activities in accordance with this contract, shall be Government property and shall be processed and accounted for in accordance with applicable requirements imposed by the Contracting Officer pursuant to the Laws, regulations, and DOE directives clause of this contract and, to the extent consistent with those requirements, shall be deposited in the special financial institution account or otherwise made available for payment of allowable costs under this contract, unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer.
(k) Direct payment of charges. The Government reserves the right, upon ten days written notice from the Contracting Officer to the Contractor, to pay directly to the persons concerned, all amounts due which otherwise would be allowable under this contract. Any payment so made shall discharge the Government of all liability to the Contractor.
(l) Determining allowable costs. Regardless of contractor type, the Contracting Officer shall determine allowable costs in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation subpart 31.2 and the Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation subpart 48 CFR 970.31 in effect on the date of this contract and other provisions of this contract.
(End of clause)
Alternate I (DEC 2000). As prescribed in 970.3270(a)(1)(i), if a separate fixed-fee is provided for a separate item of work, paragraph (a) of the basic clause should be modified to permit payment of the entire fixed-fee upon completion of that item.
Alternate II [December 2024]. As prescribed in 970.3270(a)(1)(ii), when total available fee provisions are used, replace paragraph (a) of the basic clause with the following paragraph (a):
(a) Payment of Total available fee: Base Fee and Performance Fee.
(1) The base fee amount, if any, is payable in equal monthly installments. Total available fee amount earned is payable following the Government's Determination of Total Available Fee Amount Earned in accordance with the clause of this contract entitled “Total Available Fee: Base Fee Amount and Performance Fee Amount.” Base fee amount and total available fee amount earned payments shall be made by direct payment or withdrawn from funds advanced or available under this contract, as determined by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer may offset against any such fee payment the amounts owed to the Government by the Contractor, including any amounts owed for disallowed costs under this contract. No base fee amount or total available fee amount earned payment may be withdrawn against the payments cleared financing arrangement without the prior written approval of the contracting officer.
(2) Provisional fee. Additionally, if the Contracting Officer authorizes provisional payment of fee and for only as long as the Contracting Officer authorizes it, the Contractor may withdraw from funds advanced on the last working day of each month a provisional fee equal to 6 percent of the annual total available fee amount. The Contracting Officer may for any reason withdraw his/her authorization allowing the Contractor's withdrawal of provisional fee if at any time in his/her judgement the Contractor will not earn the provisional fee. The Contracting Officer's decision to authorize the Contractor's withdrawal of provisional fee or to withdraw such authorization is solely within the Contracting Officer's discretion. Following the Government's determination of total available fee amount earned, the Contractor may withdraw from funds advanced the amount by which earned fee exceeds provisional fee; and must immediately return to funds advanced the amount by which provisional fee exceeds earned fee.
(End of alternate)
Alternate III [December 2024]. As prescribed in 970.3270(a)(1)(iii), the following paragraph (k) shall be included in management and operating contracts with integrated accounting systems:
(k) Review and approval of costs incurred. The Contractor shall prepare and submit annually as of September 30, a “Statement of Costs Incurred and Claimed” (Cost Statement) for the total of net expenditures accrued (i.e., net costs incurred) for the period covered by the Cost Statement. The Contractor shall certify the Cost Statement subject to the penalty provisions for unallowable costs as stated in sections 306(b) and (i) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (41 U.S.C. 308), as amended, and the False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. 3279, et seq.). DOE, after audit and appropriate adjustment, will approve such Cost Statement. This approval by DOE will constitute an acknowledgment by DOE that the net costs incurred are allowable under the contract and that they have been recorded in the accounts maintained by the Contractor in accordance with DOE accounting policies, but will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for DOE's assets in its care, for appropriate subsequent adjustments, or for errors later becoming known to DOE.
(End of alternate)
Alternate IV [December 2024]. As prescribed in 970.3270(a)(1)(iv), the following paragraph (k) shall be included in management and operating contracts without integrated accounting systems:
(k) Certification and penalties. The Contractor shall prepare and submit a “Statement of Costs Incurred and Claimed” (Cost Statement) for the total of net expenditures incurred for the period covered by the Cost Statement. It is anticipated that this will be an annual submission unless otherwise agreed to by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall certify the Cost Statement subject to the penalty provisions for unallowable costs as stated in sections 306(b) and (i) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (41 U.S.C. 308), as amended.
(End of alternate)