570.303 Solicitation for offers. 570.303-1 Preparing the SFO.570.303-2 Issuing the SFO.570.303-3 Late offers, modifications of offers, and withdrawals of offers.570.303-4 Changes to SFOs.Parent topic: Subpart 570.3 - Acquisition Procedures for Leasehold Interests in Real Property Over the Simplified Lease Acquisition Threshold
570.303 Solicitation for offers. 570.303-1 Preparing the SFO.570.303-2 Issuing the SFO.570.303-3 Late offers, modifications of offers, and withdrawals of offers.570.303-4 Changes to SFOs.Parent topic: Subpart 570.3 - Acquisition Procedures for Leasehold Interests in Real Property Over the Simplified Lease Acquisition Threshold
570.303 Solicitation for offers. 570.303-1 Preparing the SFO.570.303-2 Issuing the SFO.570.303-3 Late offers, modifications of offers, and withdrawals of offers.570.303-4 Changes to SFOs.Parent topic: Subpart 570.3 - Acquisition Procedures for Leasehold Interests in Real Property Over the Simplified Lease Acquisition Threshold