532.502 Preaward matters. 532.502-2 Contract finance office clearance.532.503-5 Administration of progress payments.532.503-6 Suspension or reduction of payments.532.503-9 Liquidation rates—alternate method.Parent topic: Subpart 532.5 - Progress Payments Based on Costs
532.502 Preaward matters. 532.502-2 Contract finance office clearance.532.503-5 Administration of progress payments.532.503-6 Suspension or reduction of payments.532.503-9 Liquidation rates—alternate method.Parent topic: Subpart 532.5 - Progress Payments Based on Costs
532.502 Preaward matters. 532.502-2 Contract finance office clearance.532.503-5 Administration of progress payments.532.503-6 Suspension or reduction of payments.532.503-9 Liquidation rates—alternate method.Parent topic: Subpart 532.5 - Progress Payments Based on Costs