19.602-3 Resolving differences between the Agency and the Small Business Administration.

(c)(S-90)(i) Within 3 working days after receiving the SBA headquarters notification of its intention to uphold the SBA area office decision to issue a CoC, the contracting officer shall email a report to the DLA Acquisition Compliance, Policy and Pricing Division summarizing the facts of the case. The contracting officer shall send voluminous reports by express mail. The contracting officer shall include in the report the name of the prospective contractor, the item, the quantity, the dollar value, the specific elements for which the prospective contractor was determined to be nonresponsible, a copy of the relevant portions of the preaward survey, SBA’s rationale for issuing the CoC, and the proposed alternative means of satisfying the requirements. The contracting officer shall forward a copy of the report to the procuring organization small business specialist.

(ii) The DLA Acquisition Director shall review the report and determine whether to support the formal appeal or accept the COC. The DLA Acquisition Compliance, Policy and Pricing Division shall advise the contracting officer of the DLA Acquisition Director’s decision within 5 working days and provide a copy of the decision to the Small Business Programs Director.

(iii) If the DLA Acquisition Director supports the contracting officer’s intent to appeal, the DLA Acquisition Compliance, Policy and Pricing Division will advise the contracting officer to forward the formal appeal to the departmental director of the Office of Small Business Programs (reference DFARS PGI 219.602-3) within 5 working days and simultaneously provide a copy to the DLA Acquisition Director. The contracting officer shall include in the formal appeal the report provided to the DLA Acquisition Compliance, Policy and Pricing Division, an update on the contractor’s progress toward becoming responsible, and a discussion of the attempts made to reconcile differences with the SBA. The contracting officer shall index and tab the formal appeal.

(S-91) Once the procuring organization submits the formal appeal to SBA headquarters, DLA contracting personnel are not authorized to waive the right to appeal or to forfeit an appeal without the concurrence of the DLA Acquisition Director. If the procuring organization requests such concurrence, the contracting officer shall provide substantially the same type of information submitted in the report notifying the DLA Acquisition Director of the contracting officer’s intention to appeal.

(S-92) The contracting officer shall forward all reports submitted to the DLA Acquisition Director concerning COC appeals through the CCO.

(S-93) The requirements of 19.602-3(c)(S-90)-(S-92) do not apply to simplified acquisitions. Procuring organizations may develop procedures to process appeals on simplified acquisitions.