Subpart 970.01—Management and Operating Contract Regulatory System

970.0100 Scope of part.

This part provides Departmental policies, procedures, provisions, and clauses that implement and supplement the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (Chapter 1 of Title 48 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)) and other parts of the Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation (DEAR) (Chapter 9 of Title 48 CFR) for the award and administration of the Department's management and operating contracts, as defined at 48 CFR subpart 17.6. The FAR and other parts of the DEAR apply to management and operating contracts. See 970.5200 for guidance regarding which provisions and clauses (from FAR, part 970, or other parts of the DEAR) to include in management and operating contracts. This part does not apply to contracts not designated as M&O contracts by the Secretary of Energy, except as approved by the cognizant Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) or as otherwise prescribed in the DEAR.

970.0103 Publication and codification.

(a) Organization of Part 970.

(1) To the extent possible, the titles and text of the subparts, sections, and subsections of this part are numbered to correspond with related material that is contained in the FAR.

(2) The number to the left of the decimal point represents the DEAR part number (i.e., 970). The numbers to the right of the decimal point and to the left of the dash represent, in order, the DEAR subpart (first two digits), and the DEAR section number (second two digits). The numbers to the right of the dash represent the DEAR subsection. A second dash may follow the DEAR subsection number. As applicable, numbers to the right of the second dash represent subordinate subsections.

(3) To the extent practicable, the subpart number corresponds with the FAR part which contains related coverage, and the section number corresponds with the FAR subpart which contains related coverage (e.g., the coverage contained in 970.0309 corresponds with material contained in 48 CFR subpart 3.9).

(4) Where the FAR does not contain related coverage on a particular subject, the DEAR section number will be numbered using numbers of 70 and up (e.g., 970.0370).

(b) Special Note Regarding Clause Numbering. The section number for clauses prescribed in part 970 are numbered to correspond with the subpart in which the clause is prescribed (e.g., 970.5203-1 is prescribed for use at subpart 970.03).