Subpart 915.6—Unsolicited Proposals

915.602 Policy.

(a) Present and future needs demand the involvement of all resources in exploring alternative energy sources and technologies. To achieve this objective, it is DOE policy to encourage external sources of unique and innovative methods, approaches, and ideas by stressing submission of unsolicited proposals for government support. In furtherance of this policy and to ensure the integrity of the acquisition process through application of reasonable controls, the DOE:

(1) Disseminates information on areas of broad technical concern whose solutions are considered relevant to the accomplishment of DOE's assigned mission areas;

(2) Encourages potential proposers to consult with program personnel before expending resources in the development of written unsolicited proposals;

(3) Endeavors to distribute unsolicited proposals to all interested organizations within DOE;

(4) Processes unsolicited proposals in an expeditious manner and, where practicable, keeps proposers advised as discrete decisions are made;

(5) Assures that each proposal is evaluated in a fair and objective manner; and, (6) Assures that each proposal will be used only for its intended purpose and the information, subject to applicable laws and regulations, contained therein will not be divulged without prior permission of the proposer.

915.603 General.

(f) Unsolicited proposals for the performance of support services are, except as discussed in this paragraph, unacceptable as the performance of such services is unlikely to necessitate innovative and unique concepts. There may be rare instances in which an unsolicited proposal offers an innovative and unique approach to the accomplishment of a support service. If such a proposal offers a previously unknown or an alternative approach to generally recognized techniques for the accomplishment of a specific service(s) and such approach will provide significantly greater economy or enhanced quality, it may be considered for acceptance. Such acceptance shall, however, require approval of the acquisition of support services in accordance with applicable DOE Directives and be processed as a deviation to the prohibition in this paragraph.

915.605 Content of unsolicited proposals.

(b)(5) Unsolicited proposals for nonnuclear energy demonstration activities not covered by existing formal competitive solicitations or program opportunity notices may include a request for federal assistance or participation, and shall be subject to the cost sharing provisions of subpart 917.70.

915.606 Agency procedures.

(b) Unless otherwise specified in a notice of program interest, all unsolicited proposals must be submitted to the Unsolicited Proposal Manager at If the proposer has ascertained the cognizant program office through preliminary contacts with program staff, the proposal may be submitted directly to that office. In such instances, the proposer should separately send a copy of the proposal cover letter to the unsolicited proposal coordinator to assure that the proposal is logged in the Department's automated tracking system for unsolicited proposals.

915.607 Criteria for acceptance and negotiation of an unsolicited proposal.

(c) DOE's cost participation policy, at subpart 917.70, shall be followed in determining the extent to which the DOE will participate in the cost for the proposed effort.