5250.102-1-70 Contract adjustment boards.

(a) Military Departments. Subject to the restrictions on delegations of authority in DFARS Part 250 and FAR 50.102-1 and 50.102-3, HCAs may exercise without power of redelegation, the authority contained in the Act and Executive Order for amounts not exceeding the threshold at FAR 50.102-1(b).

(i) HCAs may deny any request, regardless of dollar value.

(ii) ASN(RDA) is the approval authority for requests to obligate the Government in excess of the threshold at FAR 50.102-1(b). Submit requests for adjudication by the Navy Contract Adjustment Board by email at usn.pentagon.asstsecnavrdadc.mbx.pabt@us.navy.mil with the subject “[Activity Name] DFARS 250.102-1-70 - Extraordinary Contractual Relief pursuant to [insert “Public Law 85-804” or “Executive Order 10789”].