219.804 Evaluation, offering, and acceptance. When processing requirements under the PA, follow the procedures at PGI 219.804 . 219.804-1 Agency evaluation.Parent topic: Subpart 219.8 - CONTRACTING WITH THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (THE 8(A) PROGRAM)
219.804 Evaluation, offering, and acceptance. When processing requirements under the PA, follow the procedures at PGI 219.804 . 219.804-1 Agency evaluation.Parent topic: Subpart 219.8 - CONTRACTING WITH THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (THE 8(A) PROGRAM)
219.804 Evaluation, offering, and acceptance. When processing requirements under the PA, follow the procedures at PGI 219.804 . 219.804-1 Agency evaluation.Parent topic: Subpart 219.8 - CONTRACTING WITH THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (THE 8(A) PROGRAM)