
Eliminate Quarterly Financial Reports

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend that agencies eliminate quarterly financial reports once they have transitioned to subaccounts. Institutions draw down cash by award accounts on a regular basis, typically monthly. This provides agencies with up-to-date financial information and renders additional financial reports unnecessary. Agencies should also consider whether there is a need for annual and final financial reports and ...more »

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247 votes


Common Federal proposal and award management system

AAU, COGR and APLU recommend a common federal portal for grants submission, invoicing/cash draw downs, and final reporting (e.g., progress, financial, equipment) with a single set of rules, forms and due dates (potentially using NSF policy and guidelines as a model). A common portal would significantly ease reporting burden. - Consolidate federal proposal and award management systems, including payment systems, optimally ...more »

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274 votes


Centralized Database Utilizing FAIN

If a centralized reporting database could be developed that all federal agencies, grantees, subrecipients, etc. would be required to use for reporting, and it would prepopulate many of the fields once the entity enters their FAIN, this would ease a lot of the reporting burden.


However, first, the FAIN would have to start being included in grant agreements so entities have that piece of information to enter.

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51 votes


Recommendations from The Coalition for Government Procurement

Last year, the Coalition for Government Procurement submitted a number of recommendations in response to the Chief Acquisition Officers Council (CAO) Council Open Dialogue to improve the economy and efficiency of the Federal acquisition system. The Coalition urges the government to take action on the previously submitted recommendations to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of Federal procurement. Implementing ...more »

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9 votes


General comment

I am surprised more people haven't been commenting or making suggestions. Do you think it might be due to the fact that most of us are so busy with our jobs, lacking funds, burnt out and trying to pick up pieces of pie because we are spending our own time working and ignoring everything else? Our jobs have become so complicated with reporting and regulations that we don't have time to take care of the people and partners ...more »

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24 votes

Contractors and Grantees

Transactional data reporting- more efficient than weekly form

Comment from June 10 Data Act Summit breakout session on Recipient Reporting: As a Federal Award recipient, I want transactional data reporting to be a more efficient method than a weekly form. There’s a need to minimize weekly re-entry of the same information that was submitted previously. Also the government already has a lot of this information, so the recipient should only be required to report what the government ...more »

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8 votes