1. Reporting and Compliance

Level 3 data usage

There needs to be more of an emphasis on Level 3 data. Currently government buyers may only be receiving reports on their organization’s spend that states X spent Y amount of money at Z store. Reports should really state that X spent Y amount of money at Z store on A, B, and C items. With this data in hand, CFOs could hold their teams more accountable for their decisions regarding the use of funds. Such data would ...more »

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-1 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices


Question 2: How can we reduce the cost of transactions for contractors? Answer: I recently worked for a company that allowed the employees to post their own time-card. There are too many people that are NOT trust-worthy enough (especially a very large company) to allow this to happen. We actually had to log in and log out electronically, but I heard stories of people that would enter more hours worked than they ...more »

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0 votes

3. Small Business Participation

Enable flexibility and discretion to solve the "mid-tier" trap

Enable more agency flexibility and discretion in defining and using size standards by NAICS code and ownership category to solve the ‘mid-tier trap’ that limits participation and reduces the value created by the small business program. Some departments have recently recognized the value and challenges of mid-tier businesses, many of which are successful graduates of the small business program. When successful small businesses ...more »

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0 votes

3. Small Business Participation


Question 1: How can we make doing business with the government easier and less costly for small businesses, minority businesses, new entrants, and non-traditional government contractors? Answer 1: So far I have not encountered any costs with trying to start a business, because I am doing extension research first. I do see there are a lot of costs to get started. Question 2: If you are a small business, minority ...more »

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2 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

NDI Test Program

Currently there is a Commercial Items test programs that allows use of SAP up to $6.5M for commercial items, or NDIs that have been sold to State and Local Governments. Unfortunately some design activities are wary about providing commercial item determinations because they fear it could cause them to lose control of the item to another design activity or lose Quality Assurance capabilities. There is also a military ...more »

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4 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Modify Regs to Address CICA Difficulties Relating To IDIQ Orders

For IDIQ orders for services (including construction) the true competition takes place at the task order level. The unit prices established at the "umbrella" contract level are essentially meaningless to knowing what the actual cost of work is, yet CICA requires that we establish binding prices. This is particularly problematic for services, where the quantities of units can vary greatly contractor to contract, and ...more »

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4 votes

3. Small Business Participation

Review the Acquisition System from the Eyes of Small Biz

Acknowledging that the acquisition process is frustrating and cumbersome is a start, but to understand how to fix it starts with a willingness to look at the acquisition processes, technologies, and professionals from the perspective of a small business owner. Follow a small business owner's experience with the acquisition system - from the first sources sought to award of a contract - for a specific procurement and ...more »

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5 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Reduce reliance on cost-based pricing where not really needed.

Despite a growing body of evidence that fixating on costs actually increases them, acquisition personnel insist on making every transaction cost-based. Sections 2379 and 2306a(d) of Title 10, USC, for instance, provide limited authority to obtain cost and pricing information for major weapons systems and their component parts where certified cost data are not required. This authority is over-applied in practice and ...more »

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7 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Procurement policies should go thru a Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Federal Government is always interested to implement activities which are "Best Practices" in the Private Sector. I would like to suggest that one of these "Best Practices" is the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA). In the Private Sector, whenever a new policy is being considered, a CBA is performed to evaluate whether to proceed with the new policy. Unfortunately, a CBA was never performed for the Federal Strategic Sourcing ...more »

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9 votes

2. Procurement Rules and Practices

Reduce Administrative Burden

The FAR currently contemplates two solutions to resolve the impact of corporate acquisitions and/or reorganization on federal contractors under the Anti-Assignment Act: the Novation process and a Name Change agreement. We propose that a third avenue be established to address situations in which, due to internal restructuring, the legal entity has changed but the parent company remains the same. In these instances, ...more »

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9 votes